Wrap-up 2019

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20 June 2019 | 17:30-18:00 | KING WILLEM-ALEXANDER AUDITORIUM | Remote participation | Live streaming | Live transcription
Consolidated programme 2019 overview

Presentation of the next IGF host

The fourteenth Annual Meeting of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) will be hosted by the Government of Germany in Berlin from 25 to 29 November 2019. Rudolf Gridl from the Federal Ministry for Economics Affairs and Energy will provide an outlook.


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This text, document, or file is based on live transcription. Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART), captioning, and/or live transcription are provided in order to facilitate communication accessibility and may not be a totally verbatim record of the proceedings. This text, document, or file is not to be distributed or used in any way that may violate copyright law.

>> MARJOLIJN BONTHUIS: Thank you very much. This was last panel today, but don't go away yet. Don't rush. Because we are a little early, and people are still outside this room. And we have to wait maybe a little bit to get them over here. Because it's almost time to wrap up those two days. Those two fruitful days but not yet, and as we heard the youth, just one session ago, they are ready to take the next step. But I think it's not only the youth. It's the whole EuroDIG community, and it's only a few months of us ahead that we have the idea in Berlin.

And if you please could be -- you know, stay in the room, and be a little bit quiet, because we have first the host of the IGF and Germany, who I would really like to give the floor to tell us more about what will be happening in Berlin, because I really think we all look forward to -- to take the next step, and it's not that we finish today. It's only another step ahead of more d bait, more taking things into practice and, well, I think Rudolf, are you ready to come to the floor. Rudolf Gridl, I give you the floor.

>> RUDOLF GRIDL: I'm waiting for people to arrive and sit down.

First of you will a, of course, also from my side, a big thank you to our hosts, to the organizers, the Dutch government, the city of the Hague, the EuroDIG scenario and the rolling out of this wonderful EuroDIG, I'm very much impressed and all the people I have talked to, we are all amazed about the depth and the strength of this program, and the very good debate that we had, and I think it is, indeed, a very, very good pillar on the bridge that we are all building from IGF to IGF. So last year we were in Paris. And one of the strongest pillars is always the EuroDIG also this year. Thank you all very much. And it's already the evening. So I am between you and the dinner. I will not -- I will not talk too much, but I want to give you a little impression of what you can expect and you should expect from the IGF in Berlin.

My name is Rudolf Gridl, I'm in charge of preparing the IGF from the government side, and the Ministry of Economic Affairs in Germany. Me and my team, together with an interministerial group that we have set up one year ago, we are planning the whole organizational part, we are in contact with the United Nations, and of course, with the multi-stakeholder community in Germany and worldwide.

I myself, I'm also a member of the MAG. So involved in the preparations of the content of the IGF, and in this capacity, I would like to invite you to a little, little outlook on what you can -- on what you can expect in Berlin.

Berlin, that is 25th through the 29th of November. And it will be five days, full of Internet Governance and I can tell you, it will be an IGF that you will not forget. Because it is so great, of course.

We will start on day zero with a high-level multi-stakeholder meeting, and our minister has sent out invitations to ministers all around the world, also to CEOs and higher ranking representatives of companies, the civil society, and the technical community, and we already have a very good feedback, actually, on this invitations and for the moment it looks like if we would have a really, really high ranking attendance on this day zero, high-level multi-stakeholder event. So we would be very honored if your leaders from whatever stakeholder group you are in the room, could also think about attending and having a contribution to this high level meeting.

It will be posted by our minister, the German minister of economic affairs and we will also probably have representatives from other ministries in Germany, but as I told you also from other countries in Europe and all over the world. We will, of course have the normal day zero proceedings that are common to all those who know the IGF and have been around for some time.

And on day one, we have a very lucky situation that the chancellor, Angela Merkel, she will be there in person and with some high-ranking keynote speakers that we have not yet identified and also we want to give a multi-stakeholder opening ceremony that reflects the whole variety and diversity of the Internet Governance community all over the world.

And we have been working within the MAG, under the great chairmanship of Lynn St. Amour and for the first time, we managed to boil it down three major issues that we are trying to give, like -- like a -- like the overarching themes which would not mean that many of the themes that are beyond -- below these overarching themes would not be discussed but we have the three themes which are data governance, inclusion, and safety, security, stability and resilience, which is one theme.

And that is something that helps to streamline the policy questions that we are going to discuss. It helps to structure the discussion, and it also actually helps to communicate to the outside world that is perhaps not so familiar with Internet Governance and fora and what we are all doing there to tell them what's going on there. So based on these three pillars, we will have wonderful workshops that the MAG has been under the scrutiny of the MAG and has now been chosen and will be published this week or next week. We will have great main sessions, the DCs, all of them will have a place and a spot or several places and spots to present their very valuable work.

And on the last day, we had some ideas from our German parliament because at the beginning of the German for the IGF host was our parliament. It was a commission of the parliament, already in 2013 that said, okay, at one point in time, Germany should apply for being a host of the IGF and then we had another resolution, and finally, coming out of this Parliamentary Resolution, a decision by the government to apply and so forth.

So the parliamentarians or legislators in our system, they are -- they have very, very strong sympathy with Internet Governance, with multi-stakeholderism, and they said, okay. We want to be part and not only us, we think that the parliamentarians of the world should be part of this exercise and that's why we will convene together as -- as an IGF, a parliamentarian segment, a parliamentarians meeting of all the parliamentarians all around the world, and something that is very dear to our heart as a German government is that we -- although we have had three Western European countries in a row as host countries, want to reach out to the global south and have a broad participation of the global south at our IGF.

And specifically, also in the parliamentarians meeting and we set aside a certain sum of money that we have transferred to the IGF transfer funds that is dedicated to allow representatives from the global south to attend the IGF, specifically the parliamentarians. And so for first time, these legislators or parliamentarians meeting, depending on the system where you are coming from, and we think that it is good to have it at the end because then you could, like, feed in all the findings and all the debates that have been going on during the IGF into these fora, which at the end will be the ones who will regulate or legislate.

And we think that this is, perhaps, something that could be very interesting. It will be the first time. So let's see. We hope that many parliamentarians from the European parliament, from other European national parliaments, but as I said, also from around the world. Because the outreach -- the outreach to the world that is not so familiar with Internet Governance but is more and more concerned about what is happening here, that is something that we have really made one of the priorities as a host country. So we have reached out, not only to the parliamentarians but also to businesses that are from completely different sectors than the IT sector, like the car industry, like the pharmaceutical industry, like the chemical industry, like SMEs. So that is -- that is one of the aspects that we are -- that we are very hard working on.

I forgot to tell you the motto of the IGF this year, it reflects what I was -- what I was saying before. It is one world, one net, one vision. And that this umbrella, we hope to have a good discussion that is based on what has happened in Paris, what is happening here, and it will perhaps a little bit reflect on the way we will govern -- we will have to govern our Internet -- our dear Internet, dear to our hearts over the next 10, 20 years, perhaps, and it is very, very fortunate in our view that we had the HADCP report that has been discussed here for the first time in a regional IGF and that will then also feed into the discussion in Berlin.

I will leave you with that, and I will leave you a little film that gives you some impressions of what you can expect. Some of you might have seen it. Some not. So I would like to give the technical staff a sign, film now, please.

>> We have a social problem that is associated with the use of these media, and we have to educate people.

>> Offline human rights and fundamental rights should be the same in the online world.

>> We need to remember that technology should not take away our humanity.

>> 20 years ago, the Internet was more or less a technical issue with some political implications, but today, it's political issue with a technical component.

>> Artificial intelligence is a superpowerful technology.

>> Virtual reality, big data, criminal activities on the Internet, all of those are incredibly important.

>> I do feel that we are an adaptive society. The Internet governance forum will help sustain the Internet and make it stronger.

>> Everyone who has a stake in a topic that's being under discussion can have an equal opportunity.

>> Let's keep working together to transform the Internet and get it as safe and democratic space.

>> [ No English translation ]

>> Berlin is really a vibrant place. Specifically the tech community and the digital community.

[ No English translation ]


>> The subtitles, this was an invitation by our chancellor to come to Berlin.

>> MARJOLIJN BONTHUIS: Thank you. And I hope you keep your promise. I'm sure you will. We are really looking forward to coming to Berlin, but first, we would really like to look back at two fantastic days at EuroDIG. With what happened a year ago with you accepting to be the host, last year and those two days and it's time for me to hand over the mic and hand over the duty to Mr. Schneider, and for me it comes to an end. It's EuroDIG again, and we will thank you.

>> Thank you. So let's see that I don't miss anything that Sandra work is the actually boss told me to say. She asked me to remind you that the messages will be very soon, of course, published and that is the tangible takeaway of the two intense and great days that we have had here in our supposedly sunny Hague. And of course another reminder is as you have heard several times during these two days, we are first ones to start, hopefully not the only ones to start a consultation process among European stakeholders on the report of the high level panel that has been issued last Monday, Monday last week. And the website and everything will be up, the beginning of the next week. So spread it among your circles among your communities. Invite everybody to comment because that is a space that we really hope that you will use. So these are the two key messages from my side and I think now given that we all want to maybe have a drink somewhere, let me not lose time. And let's start the process of revealing the secret of where we will go next year.

Because next year is a special -- is a special opportunity, actually. We will go to a place, also physically to a place that is at the root of some development in technology. It's a science hotspot in Europe. It is the institute that we will go to is call the International Center for Theoretical Physics. They don't just do theories. They implement and produce quite tangible things and the person that is here is not just a scientist, he's actually also part now of the Internet hall of fame. In particular for the achievements in Internet section in Venezuela and other countries in particular, Latin America, I read that he constructed the longest WiFi connection which is like 382 kilometers long. Whatever that means technically. He may be able to explain to you.

(No English translation)

>> Big applause.

And he will tell you what the city is, of course.

>> Well, thank you very much, Tomas. And I really had a very wonderful time in this beautiful city, despite the weather. But I think that it has been a very intense activity and I really very grateful to the organizer, to the organizing committee, and to the local organizers which did a wonderful job. I think it's going to be very difficult for us to imitate or to reach those standards, but we'll try our best.

So the ICTP, is the International Center for Theoretical Physics was founded by Nobel Laureate Abdus Salam in 1964 and it's meant as a place to foster science and physics and mathematics, but also life science nowadays. So it's also applied physics and as Tomas mentioned, we do a lot of activities trying to extend connectivity, especially in -- in developing countries, using affordable means in places where the traditional communication infrastructure is lacking.

So I think this is a point that is worth mentioning. And the venue for this activity is a venue of the International Center of Theoretical Physics and CISA which is the international school for advanced studies. So we will have a very nice environment and it's close not beach, actually. So it's also a good point to keep in mind.

And the whole city of Trieste is going to welcome you.


Which is a very nice city, because it's a city which has a long tradition of openness and a long tradition of having people from all over the world, especially from places that are very often forgotten. So I think it is important that you will be able to appreciate all the beauty of Trieste, and it's very close to Slovenia and Croatia. So you can walk into Slovenia and bike into Croatia. So I would like to appreciate the city, the venue, and the warm hospitality of Italy to all of you.

Thank you very much, and see you next year about this time.


>> The video.


>> Thank you very much. So we look very much forward. Trieste is one of my very favorite reasons for many reasons. If you don't know yet, go there. We do not just have a representative of the core of the host team with us, we also have a representative of the Italian government with us. So undersecretary of state for public administration, Mr. Mattia Fantanati.

>> MATTIA FANTINATI: Thank you very much for your invitation. I was here today, and really the topics you had, they are very, very interesting because it's about our future and how we want to -- and how we have to face the next future. And I'm a member of Italian government and I'm really proud and honored to be here and to receive this sort of flag between us that represents that we are all united in diversity.

We fellow Europeans, when we are talking to the same path of liberty and justice for all, to build a world of pa he is that recognized the web as inalienable human right. We want foster of freedom to foster civil liberties in our country and I want to say our country, I mean a European country.

Those events and these have outlined where we are. I think that they are crucial to spread the common views on issues that involve citizen participation and democracy. We needed to develop a common visions on these topics because the web must be used to strengthen the democracy and civil commitment.

We must engage our fellow citizens in such ceremonies, because the right way to raise awareness. The next step of the common road will be in Italy and I'm very proud because I'm a member of Italian government. I welcome this moment and it's my pleasure to consult the way to exchange this flight, this flag with you.

Thank you very much.

>> Thank you. Please take a seat. So now here comes the historic moment, which we actually can only do because in 2011 our friends in Belgrade, the Serbian hosts, they actually had a flag made with the EuroDIG logo on it and gave it to us, IE, at that time to the next host, which I think was Lisbon. So the flag is here. So we need to have the representative of the host, the fabulous host of this year, which is Helen, which from the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, to hand over the flag to our next hosts and then you formally relieved.


>> Maybe I can add in Italian.

I thank you very much for being here. It was an honor for all the guests and it's an honor that we can go to Trieste, I'm very curious. I have never been there. I wish you all the luck.


>> Thanks again. And I hope we will be able to meet the very high expectation that this event has created. And I really think that you will be enjoying the city and enjoying the particular environment in which there is a -- this is the city that has the highest percentage of scientists in Italy. And there are about 30 institutions, scientific and education institutions in this very small city of only 200,000 inhabitants. So I think this is a good point for this kind of meeting.

Thank you.


>> Thank you. Actually, I'm not sure whether we actually gave -- now that you know the place, the dates. I think we haven't mentioned them yet. It's December 21 and 22 of 2020. No, of course not! It's June 10 to 12, am I right? 10 to 12. So the sea will be warm enough and the drinks will be cold enough. So I think this is something to mark in your calendars and to Twitter and communicate through all the channels. So June 10 to 12 in Trieste where our Italian hosts will be the next EuroDIG.

Now I think it's time for me to stay silent and hand over to Sandra because she has a few things to say.

>> SANDRA HOFERICHTER: Thank you, Tomas, and thank very much.

I said it already in my opening speech that this year was a particular honor because of the warm hospitality and cooperation in the way the Dutch people are working. And I would really like to thank our host team and some people in particular. I know usually there are many more people involved, but we had very close contact with at least some of them, and I would like to ask them to come to stage to say thank you to you. First and foremost, please honor Fanrine, he was --


He was answering emails even late and I must say there was never any minute where we had any dispute, any tension. It was really a great, great pleasure to work with you.

And Arnold, yes, you get one of those little parcels but the EuroDIG certificate and a little EuroDIGer. That's literally the thing that the hosts are getting since -- well, meanwhile, they have all one.

>> Thank you so much. May I?

>> SANDRA HOFERICHTER: Please stay here.

>> May I say something. I would like to say something because to organize such a huge event, it's -- it's tough work. You depend on others, not only myself, but I must take some gratitude to our whole entire host team, who did a tremendous job. Nothing was too much. Even during the evening, they did their utmost. And we had all the notices to send directions. We got a lot of energy and dynamic and so cooperation within the team was fantastic.

The same is true for the corporation with the EuroDIG Secretariat, and Sandra, Riner. We must thank you here in the room and also the remote participants because we are just facilitating that this event can take place here in the Hague, nothing more.

But it's you, the stakeholders who filled in these workshops, these plenaries from bottom up. That's the multi-stakeholder approach. That works. I think we can say that. We are still to wait for the Hague messages, but I think they will be very successful which then can feed into the global event in Berlin.

And last but not least, I would thank the reporters. More than 30 reporters from the Geneva Internet Platform, would did a tremendous job by reporting -- I don't know how many sessions. And the reports will at the end feed into the messages from the Hague. So thank you also to these reporters and -- in fact, if we can look at the theme of our event, we did cooperation in the perfect, the most perfect way. Thank you so much for that.


>> SANDRA HOFERICHTER: Stay here. Thank you, Arnold. And just to give you more faces to those who made EuroDIG possible. And one of the next persons after Arnold I approached in Geneva if they can do the EuroDIG in the Hague, which is Marjolijn. I think she deserves a special applause because she stayed in this dark room for almost two days.


I think you need some sun now.

She was basically the one where I said, convince Arnold.



>> SANDRA HOFERICHTER: And she did a good job in this. And the platform, ECP.

>> MARJOLIJN BONTHUIS: Yes, ECP, the Platform for the Information Society. So we live public/private relationships and multi-stakeholder tie log and also we are the Dutch IGF. We forgot that most days but we are.

>> SANDRA HOFERICHTER: Thank you very much, Marjolijn. And I would call the arc team and how these telephones are, now my screen disappeared. So first of all, I would ask Vanessa and Daphne to come to the stage. Are you in the room? Oh, they are far in the back.


You know how it is with people that are very busy. You always need someone to make sure that they are really reading the messages. So in each email I wrote to Arnold, and Daphne in copy, and they were the left and the right hand to both of them. That was at least my feeling. Thank you very much.

>> Thank you as well.


Thank you as well, Sandra. We had a really good cooperation to go and we made a wonderful event. So thank you as well.

>> SANDRA HOFERICHTER: Thank you. And then we had another very great corporation partner which was the city council of the Hague. They literally joined from the very first moment, when we had our kickoff meeting last year in September. One woman was already in the room that was Salima. Please come to stage.


And basically, he deserved the applause for last night's incredible party.


Salima, I know it was the first step.

>> The Internet Governance community for you. How did you perceive that? What kind of experience was that for you?

>> Well, first of all, it was a pleasure and an honor to welcome you all here in the Hague, and it was so far so good. It was amazing to have you all here. And we are looking forward to the next EuroDIG.


And then one person I know already for quite a while, but he had a very crucial role in getting the youth engaged, you saw him a couple of -- a couple of while ago, Auke, please. Auke was the coordination of all the youth matters. He was taking part. He was responsible for the logistics and so that I have all food. You mentioned how you are organized it already, but since not everyone was in the room, maybe a few words on this?

>> Yes, sure. Thank you. Yes so what we did, we had three-day preprogram before EuroDIG, or actually, three and a half. We started Saturday evening with a welcoming dinner and then we had multi sessions during the other day and we had amazing social events as well, just to get to know each other really good.

So, yeah. That's it. Thank you.

>> SANDRA HOFERICHTER: I think you did an amazing job in involving the youngsters.


And then one -- the last cooperation partner from SIDN, Maarten Simon. He had to leave earlier because he had some teaching obligations today. He's unfortunately not here but I'm sure you will pass over the present to him as well. So a round of applause for the org team -- I'm sorry, for the host team, please.


And Arnold, since you mentioned almost everyone and my screen disappeared, where I made my notes, whom else we have to thank, let me just add my personal special thanks goes to my colleague Rainer. I know he's not keen to come to the stage but at least stand up so that everyone has at least an idea where you are.


I must say the preparation process for the plenaries and workshops is, meanwhile, so complex and we are offering quite a lot of service and focal points and org teams will remember that basically it was Rainer who was chasing them, helping them, assisting them with so many little things to do. He did a remarkable job. Some people had the impression that he's working day and night. And sometimes I have the impression too. Thank you very much, Rainer.


And then also not to forget that we had the YOUthDIG program committee. We had the reporters, Arnold mentioned it already. We have the captioning team that we are working with since almost from the beginning of EuroDIG. There are two captioning teams in the world as I know that are familiar with the funny acronyms and our communities and one of those is taking care for the IGF and the other and EuroDIG. So thanks to Roy, in case he's in the room. I don't see him.

And, of course, the technicians.


The technicians who went also a little bit beyond their usual jobs and tasks because they somehow had to manage remote participation which is more than streaming only. That's what I experienced here too. They were not first and then in this respect, Bernard Daka, he's been with us since 2010, '11, I don't know and trying to troubleshoot and bringing the knowledge of remote participation not only to the youngsters that were trained as remote moderators during the YOUthDIG, but also to the technical people if they haven't really got yet what it needs to have experiences like we had today, when Vlada was moderating a panel.

I hope I didn't forget anyone. Yes, blame it on the phones. I should have used the old pen and paper, instead of the phone, which probably deleted it.

>> Of course, you always forget somebody, Sandra, without her nothing would work. Of course, there's others but Sandra is really one of the core persons of keeping this together and thanks in the name of everybody for being here and continuing the journey with us. Thanks to everybody. So this is the end, if I'm not mistaken. So, again, 10 to 12 June next year in Trieste. Send them out and participate in the discussions on the high-level report and tell everybody that EuroDIG is great and it's their own fault if they have not come.

Okay. Thank you. See you next time.

This text, document, or file is based on live transcription. Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART), captioning, and/or live transcription are provided in order to facilitate communication accessibility and may not be a totally verbatim record of the proceedings. This text, document, or file is not to be distributed or used in any way that may violate copyright law.