Maintaining a Unique Global Network – Pre 01 2021

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28 June 2021 | 10:00-11:00 CEST (TBC) | Studio B
Consolidated programme 2021 overview / Day 0

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Working title: Internet 1o1 – roles and responsibilities in the IG ecosystem

Session teaser

The session will focus on the needs of legislators and explain the different organisations that form part of the IG ecosystem and their roles. You will hear what it takes to maintain a unique global network and current and potential challenges to keeping it open, interoperable, neutral, free, secure and un-fragmented.

Session description

Until .

The key feature of the Internet’s core functions is maintaining “uniqueness” of identifiers - the numbers (e.g. IP addresses) and domain names - which ensures global interoperability and connectivity. A large part of the Internet’s success is due to it being a “network of networks” with no central command. Its strength and value increase exponentially with the number of participants (network effect). Trust in these identifiers being unique and in the governance system that coordinates these functions is vital for the Internet to function and for it to remain the globally connected unfragmented network it is today.

The Internet does not come without risks. Most of those risks concern what happens on the Internet, rather than with the underlying technical core functions and processes. For the latter, where risks on the stability or resilience were identified, the industry has a long track record of inventing and implementing new technologies to reduce these risks, whilst maintaining one global Internet. One could say that the ability for these core technologies to adapt to changes and scale up - as we recently experienced with the pandemic - is the foundation of the Internet’s success.

To recognise, understand and address these risks, both within the application layer and those of the underlying technical infrastructure, while maintaining a global network, we need to think globally. The tendency to seek legislation impacting the core of the internet’s infrastructure on a domestic or regional level threatens the global interoperability and the Internet as one unfragmented space. A national or even regional Internet would never provide the same value as a global one.

In this session we will cover several fronts. We will touch upon the technical layers of the Internet, we will talk about the organisations that help it run and how they work together. Our hope is to explain how things work now and what processes are in place and open a dialogue on the best way to preserve a global Internet while addressing the ever-developing risks.


Presentation followed by a Q&A.

Further information

Internet Revealed - The Euro-IX movie (video: 5 min 20 sec)

The Domain Name System (DNS) (video: 2 min 29 sec)

ccTLD registries and online content (video: 4 min 6 sec)

How DNSSEC Works Step by Step (video: 4 min 9 sec) check whether your website, email and internet connection use modern and reliable Internet Standards? And if they don't, what can you do about it?

DNSSEC - What Is It and Why Is It Important?


Focal Points:

  • Gergana Petrova, RIPE NCC

Key participants:

  • Chris Buckridge, RIPE NCC (presenter)
  • Polina Malaja, CENTR
  • Adam Peake, ICANN