Digital Cooperation

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Intersessional project 2019 – ongoing

This continued follow up procecss is facilitated by Mark Carvell, EuroDIG Member and chair of EuroDIG’s consultations on the GDC

Project timeline

  • July 2024
    Analysis of the changes in the Rev 2 draft text
Taken section by section, the Rev.1 text (the second draft GDC dated 15 May 2024) is provided first followed by the Rev.2 text (the third draft dated 26 June 2024). New text, revisions, amendments and significant text deletions are highlighted in red in Rev.2. (PDF download).
  • June 2024
    Pre-Event and Opening Plenary EuroDIG
Update and reporting on global Internet governance processes (GDC, WSIS+20, NETmundial+10)
Opening plenary: Global Internet Governance processes
During EuroDIG stakeholders agreed based on the Rev 1 draft text on Messages from Vilnius related to the GDC and WSIS+20 review (PDF)
  • April – June 2024
    European stakeholder consultations on the Global Digital Compact (GDC) zero draft
In a EuroDIG Extra virtual session we took a look into the zero-draft paper on the GDC gave a detailed and comprehensive presentation followed by interaction with stakeholders. We drafted a list of guiding questions and invited stakeholders to comment on our Commenting Platform
  • June 2023
    PreEvent and Main Topic session at EuroDIG
Let’s promote the European vision for digital governance and cooperation in the UN!
How can the Global Digital Compact prevent Internet fragmentation?
Both sessions were a continuations of the intersessional work on stakeholder engagement in two critically important UN processes:
  1. The UN Secretary-General’s proposal for a Global Digital Compact (GDC) to be agreed and launched at the UN Summit of the Future in September 2024;
  2. The review of the outcomes of the UN World Summit on the Information Society in 2003-2005 (the WSIS+20 review), which will include a decision on whether to renew the mandate of the global Internet Governance Forum.
  • April 2023
    EuroDIG stakeholder community’s response to the Tech Envoy’s online consultation on the Global Digital Compact
  • September 2022 – March 2023
    European stakeholder consultation on the Global Digital Compact.
    European stakeholders will be invited to contribute to a submission where we reflect recent, related debates at EuroDIG, collect further input and try to identify – where possible – common ground. We will be using the EuroDIG Commenting Platform and dedicate a EuroDIG Extra virtual meeting to review the comments and agree on the submission.
    Stakeholders’ responses to this European open consultation should be submitted on the EuroDIG Commenting Platform which provides summaries by the chair of this process Mark Carvell of the relevant discussions held at recent EuroDIG meetings.
    On 31 October 2022 EuroDIG will hold a virtual meeting to which all stakeholders are invited. This meeting will review the UN process for the development of the GDC and the contribution which this EuroDIG open consultation aims to make to that process in the form of draft conclusions and recommendations.
    A further progress report will be made during EuroDIG’s session at the UN IGF in Addis Ababa on 1 December. EuroDIG’s submission to the Office of the Envoy on Technology will be finalised following this presentation at the IGF and published on the EuroDIG website.
    UPDATE: UN Member States recently decided to postpone the Summit of the Future by a year until September 2024.
  • March 2021
    Should the IGF+ be supported by a Multi-Stakeholder High Level Body (MHLB)? We invited European Stakeholder on 3rd March 2021, 9:00 UTC to a Consultation on paragraph 93(a) of the Roadmap for Digital Cooperation and here in particular on the first recommendation of a “strategic and empowered multi-stakeholder high-level body”.
  • September 2020
    EuroDIG update on the coordinated multi-stakeholder consultations on how to implement Recommendation 5A/B, presented to the UN Secretary-General on 3 September 2020 as “Options for the Future of Global Digital Cooperation”.
  • March — June 2020
    National and regional IGFs formed a task force and developed a survey to provide input on Recommendation 5A/B of the Report of the High-Level Panel on Digital Cooperation.
    This survey focussed on the IGF Plus model that was one of the suggested architectures. All stakeholder, may they be individuals, organisation, governments, the industry or NRI coordinators, were invited to answer the survey.
    The results can be found here.
  • July – November 2019
    Collating European views on the Report of the High-Level Panel on Digital Cooperation: EuroDIG set up a commenting platform and conducted stakeholder consultations. The results were further discussed during the UN Internet Governance Forum in Berlin in November and summarised in a document.
  • June 2019
    The UN Secretary-General’s High-level Panel on Digital Cooperation submitted its report “The Age of Digital Interdependence” on Monday 10 June 2019. The EuroDIG meeting in The Hague on 19 and 20 June 2019 was a first occasion to physically discuss the findings of the report.


In July 2018, UN Secretary-General António Guterres established the High-level Panel on Digital Cooperation. Co-chaired by Melinda Gates and Jack Ma, the Panel consisted of 22 international experts from government, the private sector, academia, the technical community and civil society. Its goal was to identify good examples and propose modalities for working cooperatively across sectors, disciplines and borders to address challenges in the digital age. On 10 June 2019, the Panel submitted the report “The Age of Digital Interdependence” to the UN Secretary General. You find the report and further information on

The IGF, EuroDIG and other relevant platforms for inclusive multi-stakeholder dialogue have laid important ground for the work of the Panel and play a key role in discussing digital cooperation and governance. At its preparatory meeting in January 2019, the EuroDIG community decided to provide for a space to discuss and assess the HLP report and collate views from all stakeholders from all over Europe on the report and its recommendations.