Digital skills for the jobs of today and tomorrow – join the debate – Flash 07 2024

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19 June 2024 | 10:30 - 11:15 EEST | WS room 2
Consolidated programme 2024 overview

Flash sessions focus on a stand-alone topic. They are self-organised by an individual or an organisation. The EuroDIG session principles do not apply.

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Working title: Digital skills for the job market

Session teaser

The tech revolution raised the importance of digital competencies in numerous professions. At the same time, universities have not adapted yet their educational programs to these changes. Hence, young adults may struggle finding their first job after graduating because of the skills’ gap between what they have been taught and the demands of the modern job market. What we, as a European community, can do to change that?

Session description

The emergence of new technologies, such as AI, is rapidly transforming the job market. It makes the challenge of being a fresh graduate, looking for the first serious job, a tough task. The current university-level programmes do not make it easier – they are not adapted to changing reality. Higher education is still often dominated by teaching knowledge in enclosed 'silos'. Students do not have opportunity to learn how to combine knowledge and skills from different areas, or how to collaborate with others and work in interdisciplinary environments. Given these reasons, there is a need for the discourse on how to prepare young people for the demands of the modern job market. How could higher education systems be adapted to better suit today's realities? Beyond these, what could be done to support graduates in acquiring the competencies of the future? In this session, we would like to present our idea of what and how could be improved. We invite everyone to share their observations and perspective. We especially encourage young people to contribute to the session with their experience.


The Flash Session will consist of a presentation, a short input by the invited guest speaker and Q&A session supported by digital tools for brainstorming, discussion, and audience input.

Further reading

Links to relevant websites, declarations, books, documents. Please note we cannot offer web space, so only links to external resources are possible. Example for an external link: Main page of EuroDIG


Key participants

Please provide name and institution for all people you list here.

  • Emilia Zalewska-Czajczyńska – presenter
  • Piotr Słowiński – presenter
  • guest speaker