Talk:How to turn challenges into opportunities for education transformation? – WS 10 2020

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Revision as of 12:29, 18 March 2020 by Wout de N (talk | contribs) (Introduction to education recommendation in IGF report 'Setting the Standard'.)
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As a suggestion to progress. On the IGF pages the report of the pilot project on deploying internet standards has been published. Education is one of the recommendations and hence one of the proposed workshop for EuroDIG.

The report is the outcome of an internationally distributed survey, break-out sessions (one on education) during the workshop at the Berlin 2019 IGF, extensive interviews and desk research.

Where education is concerned the following is concluded:

Education curricula do not provide the necessary knowledge concerning internet security and governance.

This leads to the following recommendation:

Internet standards and architecture must become part of education curricula.

One strand of thought focused on the need to have students, whether in vocational training or at universities, being taught in security. From securing websites, to security checks while writing code and building devices secure by design/default.

The second strand focused on education in general that it is often outdated, focuses on the wrong topics and nearly always excludes internet architecture.

There was a third strand of discussion, but not relevant to the report (before you protest, not in general), to teach all children about internet and cyber security.

Should you be interested, the report can be found here:

Looking forward to your thoughts,

Wout de Natris