Wrap-up 2018

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6 June 2018 | 17:45-18:00 | GARDEN HALL | YouTube video
Consolidated programme 2018


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This text is based on live transcription. Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART), captioning, and/or live transcription are provided in order to facilitate communication accessibility and may not be a totally verbatim record of the proceedings. This text is not to be distributed or used in any way that may violate copyright law.

>> SANDRA HOFERICHTER: I just wanted to give your attention to the youth participants because I have the experience and we will see how that works, if they stand up, please stay seated. So just you stand up.

And I would now like to come to the part where I would like to ask you for a last moment of attention because this is actually the point -- Thomas, you might stay here with me. This is the point where we would like all those who made EuroDIG possible, you will see there are quite a lot of people involved on a voluntary and sometimes not voluntary basis.

And first of all, I would like to ask Giorgi, you said I should not try, but I will try. Cherkezishvili? He is the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Economics and Sustainable Development and he actually was the one who made it possible. I've never seen a Deputy Minister taking care that the Chairs and the mics are all in order. And I would like to thank you with our -- I have just two little hands. Yes. All this, all this, all this.



>> SANDRA HOFERICHTER: First of all, the most important present, the EuroDIGger, because you were digging hard.


>> SANDRA HOFERICHTER: The certificate because you performed really well and I want that to be in your office.

And although we are an association under Swiss law you get a present that is very typical for Germany is something from Meissen, something to drink and something to enjoy.


>> SANDRA HOFERICHTER: With Giorgi and the team, my closest point of contact just disappeared from my phone. It is another person from Giorgi's Ministry. Thank you.


>> SANDRA HOFERICHTER: We have been sharing until late. It is incredible. I wonder sometimes when does this woman sleep? There was a time difference between Germany and Georgia and she was up longer than I was and up earlier than I was, always replying in time. Thank you so much.


>> SANDRA HOFERICHTER: The same applies to Ucha Seturi.


>> SANDRA HOFERICHTER: Which is actually the one who brought is here because we met at the summer school two years ago. We were sitting during the IGF in Guadalajara on the EuroDIG booth. I said hey, we are going to Georgia. He said well, why not? I asked!


>> SANDRA HOFERICHTER: You know what? This IGF took place in December and I had the definite answer in January. And this was really a great effort. Thank you so much.


>> SANDRA HOFERICHTER: I would like to thank the Georgian Communications Commission. Thank you very much for all the support. I think the Georgian team did a very, very great effort in terms of reaching out to the local community and making us here a really good EuroDIG.

But there are a lot of other people behind us. We should not forget them. I was not able to bring more porcelain, but I would like to invite to the stage as well so that you have an idea about the faces behind our efforts. And Giorgi, who should we invite from your team? I can only invite my team. At my left and my right hand, there is Ina.


>> SANDRA HOFERICHTER: Please come to the stage.

He was the one managing all the technical details, the website, the wiki, and chasing the org teams to deliver, plus a lot of other things. He was even looking into the GDPR issues, that our website is GDPR proof. Lawyers in the room, please let us know if there is room for improvement. We don't want to get sued in the future.

I would like to invite the colleague working for us for a very long time. Benar Sadaka coordinating the remote participation. When you know EuroDIG a bit or you might have realized during this meeting we pay a lot of attention also to those who are not able to travel to the country, but they are then seen here on the screen. Sometimes for me it gives the feeling at least when they are on the panel that they are really in the room. Of course, it feels different during the coffee break, but during the panel I really think that is a great effort. Thanks to Bernal, training the young people to be remote moderators and to support the local team to deliver a reliable service. This is tricky in the detail.

And then I would also like to invite Ekatriana and Tatiana Ivanova.

They know EuroDIG from many sides. They have been the host team in 2015 when we had EuroDIG in Sofia. I think we have good memories on that, for those who have been there.

Meanwhile they are managing the youth programme in terms of all the will logistics, which restaurant, which cooking school, which hotel, the bus, and all the little details to manage a group of 40 people. So you did a great job. Thank you very much.


>> SANDRA HOFERICHTER: I'm especially proud of the YouthDIG Programme Committee. Why? Not only because you did a great job but because you participated last year in the YouthDIG and you all came to me individually saying what can I do? I want to stay engaged? What is the opportunity? I said well, it makes no sense if you attend YouthDIG already, give another one the chance.

We formed a team and I could actually hand them over to do most of the programme part. And also to do the selections for the fellows, they organised a little Nomination Committee, the scoring. At the end it was just mathematics. It was so wonderful. I just had to be there and to open the zoom meeting room and they did it all on themselves. I would really like to thank this team which consists -- whoops, Michel Orgiat.


Rafael Lacrom? Rafael?


>> SANDRA HOFERICHTER: Sorry, I haven't got your full name. Okay.

And then Elizabeth Chamerman.



And Alke.

And we were discussing a couple of years ago that we need to engage youth and they are under represented and we don't include all the young people, I think this development is a really good example that at least here at EuroDIG and I'm sure in many other Forums as well, we are doing quite well. There are a number of young participants who engaged in the discussions and attended the Forum, which is remarkable. I would almost checkmark: Done!


>> SANDRA HOFERICHTER: Of course, now it would be because the stage is already filled, I would just like to thank the groups which are responsible behind the programme. These are the focal points. You met them in your sessions the org team, the subject matter experts, our partners. Big thanks to our sponsors. Without them it would not be possible to organise such a Forum at all. The technical company who did a great job. And you don't see them actually in person but they are listening to you all the time so carefully, you would wish that you have a counterpart that listens so carefully to you, the captioning people.


>> SANDRA HOFERICHTER: I think you might not know they are all sitting across the ocean somewhere. They are getting the feed over the internet. And we have one person, Roy graves, sitting here not in this room because he is still monitoring that all the transcripts are done rightly. He is monitoring that all the rooms are working perfectly. We are working -- is he here? Oh!



We are working with them since 2010? Madrid? With one exception where the budget was not available, but as we are a European Forum we agreed as language on English only, but I think for nonnative speakers in English, transcripts are sometimes more helpful than live interpretation. We considered this a better effort instead of doing live interpretation.

Also all the transcripts will go into the wiki. You can use that for your work, for your research if you want to trace what was said in any session.

Giorgi? Now invite those I did not invite?

>> Yes. Well, I would like to thank you, all of you to come to Georgia. We hope that you enjoyed staying here. When you go back, you will take some piece in your head about Georgia and also remember this time.

I would like to add a few names from the team. Sophie? Please come.


>> Maya, she was doing all this. Maria?

Maria, she was working with all these, the very important part of the Georgian team is the volunteers, the students, who we all thank here.

(Cheers and applause.)

>> (Calling names.)


Where is he? He's our focal point.


>> Before we go, we forgot to thank one person. And I was assuming that was going to come. That's why I stayed here. Of course, a big, big, big, thanks to Sandra who keeps this whole process together. She is getting better, more efficient, year-by-year. It is unbelievable what you do. We love you. Thank you very much. Thank you all.

>> And you have -- sorry, and you have some special gifts and presents for here. This is one of the Georgian famous poem which was written in 12th century. It is heritage of Georgia.


>> SANDRA HOFERICHTER: So it's over now.

This text is based on live transcription. Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART), captioning, and/or live transcription are provided in order to facilitate communication accessibility and may not be a totally verbatim record of the proceedings. This text is not to be distributed or used in any way that may violate copyright law.