Assessing Internet Universality ROAM-X indicators to advance digital transformation in Europe – Pre 05 2022

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20 June 2022 | 13:00 - 14:30 CEST | SISSA Main Auditorium | Video recording
Consolidated programme 2022 overview / Day 0

Proposal: #36

Session teaser

This 90-minute knowledge-sharing session will revolve around statements from leading experts of the national assessment of Internet Universality ROAM-X indicators in Europe as well as interventions from partners of the newly launched IGF  Dynamic Coalition on IUIs to trigger discussions on how to advance Internet Universality and Internet governance in the region.

Session description

UNESCO’s Internet Universality R.O.A.M (Rights, Open, Accessible to all, and Multistakeholderism) principles and indicators serve as a holistic tool to help Member States and stakeholders leverage the benefits of digital technologies, and provide a human-centered vision to governing the digital transformation in line with international standards.

As the national assessments of ROAM-X indicators are progressing in +40 countries, including Germany, France, Serbia and Bulgaria in Europe, UNESCO is reinforcing its extensive partnership with the EuroDIG community to advance Internet Universality by presenting and exchanging knowledge on the ongoing initiatives in Europe, and providing capacity and support in deploying voluntary national assessments in European countries.

As a regular gathering of the IGF  Dynamic Coalition on Internet Universality ROAM-X indicators, the Coalition also seeks to engage further with all Member States and all stakeholders worldwide to shape digital transformation by UNESCO’s Internet Universality ROAM principles and indicators, which underpin the growth and evolution of the Internet, in ways that are conducive to operationalizing digital cooperation at all levels, achieving the Sustainable Development Goals as well as supporting UN global digital compact.  


  1. To share global, European and national perspectives and experiences of conducting IUI national assessment initiatives, good practice and lessons learned, as well as to exchange on the transformative impact and the policy improvements following the recommendations emerging from the assessment.
  2. Discuss how to make best use of the IGF Dynamic Coalition on Internet Universality ROAM-X indicators, how to  further engage the EuroDIG community and European stakeholders in the Dynamic Coalition, and how to raise interest from more countries and stakeholders to conduct voluntary assessment of Internet Universality Indicators.
  3. Lessons learned from DC members and partners on the importance of developing and applying shared principles for humanistic digital ecosystems, and a reflection on how the DC on ROAM-X can support consultations, development and uptake of the Global Digital Compact.


This session will be held as a panel discussion.

Further reading

To learn more about the Internet Universality ROAM-X Indicators project, please visit the following pages:


Focal points:

  • Xianhong Hu, UNESCO Programme Specialist and Focal point of the IUIs project
  • Karen Landa, Consultant, UNESCO


  • Xianhong Hu, UNESCO Programme Specialist and Focal point of the IUIs project


  • Karen Landa, Consultant, UNESCO


(90 minutes)

Assessing Internet Universality ROAM-X indicators to advance digital transformation in Europe

  • Opening (15’)
    • Opening remarks by Marielza Oliveira, Director for Partnership and Operational Programme Monitoring, UNESCO (5')
    • General presentation of the Internet Universality project by Xianhong Hu, Programme Specialist, UNESCO (10')
  • Presentation of national initiatives and perspectives (25’)
    Moderator: Xianhong Hu
    • Dr. Matthias C. Kettemann, Head of Research Program, Leibniz Institute for Media Research, Hans-Bredow-Institut – Germany (5') – online participation
    • Lucien Castex, Researcher, Université Sorbonne-Nouvelle – France (5') – on-site participation
    • Bojan Perkov, Policy Researcher, SHARE Foundation - Serbia (5’) – online participation
    • Anelia Dimova – Freelance researcher – Bulgaria (5') – online participation
    • Key topics:
      • The strategic relevance of the Internet Universality ROAM principles and Indicators to foster sustainable development, peace and security, shape global digital transformation and digital collaboration and formulating the global digital compact
      • Please share your perspectives and experience in conducting the national assessment initiatives/results in your country, exchange on the transformative impact and the policy improvements following the recommendations emerged from the assessment.
      • What are some good practices and lessons learned in the implementation process of the national assessments? What can contribute to having more countries assessing the IUIs?
  • Statements of DC partners and stakeholders (40')
    Moderator: Anriette Esterhuysen – Association of Progressive Communication (on-site participation) and Marielza Oliveira – Director for Partnership and Operational Programme Monitoring, UNESCO (online participation)
    • Paul Mitchell, Chair, United Nations Internet Governance Forum Multistakeholder Advisory Group (5') – online participation
    • Giacomo Mazzone, Member of the EuroDIG Board (5') – on-site participation
    • Constance Bommelaer, Area Vice President Institutional Relations, Internet Society (5') – online participation
    • Suada Hadzovic, GAC HRIL WG Co-Chair – ICANN-GAC (5') – online participation
    • Andreas Salz, Programme Specialist Communication and Information, German Commission for UNESCO expert (5') – online participation
    • Tomasz Komorowski, Project Coordinator, Polish National Commission for UNESCO (5') – online participation
    • Desiree Miloshevic Evans, Co-Chairs the RIPE Cooperation Working Group and Generic Name Supporting Organisation Councillor at Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) (5') – online participation
    • Key questions:
      • The strategic relevance of the Internet Universality ROAM principles and Indicators to foster sustainable development, peace and security, shape global digital transformation and digital collaboration and formulating the global digital compact
      • How can we make best use of the IGF Dynamic Coalition on Internet Universality ROAM-X indicators
      • How can UNESCO engage further with the EuroDIG community and European stakeholders in the Dynamic Coalition in order to raise interest from more countries to conduct the voluntary assessment of Internet Universality Indicators?
  • Q&A (15')
  • Closing remarks (5')
    • Marielza Oliveira, Director for Partnership and Operational Programme Monitoring, UNESCO – online participation (5')