Talk:From internet users to digital citizens – WS 06 2017

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22. March 2017 - First planning call


Karolina (IFLA), Mikhail Doroshshevich (Baltic Internet Policy Initiative), Marina Sokolova, Fotjon Kosta (Albanian IGF), Maarit Palovirta (Internet Society)

Geographical focus for WS3:

Europe = EU countries, South-Eastern Europe and Eastern Europe

WS6 Literacy in Communities – Discussion on Scope:

  • Traditional definition of ICT literacy mainly considers basic user skills (e.g. online tools, information processing). This is no longer sufficient in today’s virtual environment.
  • Today, required skillsets to use Internet services (should) include notions of cybersafety, privacy, and content creation (as opposed to mere consumption of Internet services).
  • How can we increase ICT literacy with this wider sense of creating digitally savvy citizens? What kind of concrete measures/ programs can we use to teach these skills?
  • European Commission has invited its Member States to develop comprehensive national digital skills strategies by mid-2017 through ‘skills coalitions’ connecting public authorities, business, education, training and labour market stakeholders. Is this type of top-down policy approach likely to deliver the necessary skills in a sufficiently fast timeframe?
  • What kind of bottom-up initiatives amongst different communities have been successful in the recent past?

Modus operandi for workshops:

  • The general opinion was that it would be good to invite a limited number of experts (max 4) to initiate the discussion with a concrete example or an interesting idea/ statement.
  • Otherwise, we should engage two moderators, who drive the discussion and engage the audience.


  • We will finalise the workshop descriptions in the next 2 weeks by e-mail.
  • The next org team call will take place during the week of 10 April. Please look out for a Doodle request to find a suitable timeslot.