GDPR Implementation – Blind spots, opportunities, and the way forward – WS 02 2019: Difference between revisions

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*Raphael Beauregard-Lacroix
*Raphael Beauregard-Lacroix
*Amy Brouillette
*Amy Brouillette
*Ayden Férdeline
*Ayden Férdeline, Technology Policy Fellow, Mozilla
*Fotjon Kosta, Coordinator of Albania IGF  
*Fotjon Kosta, Coordinator of Albania IGF  
*Kristina Olausson, European Telecommunications Network Operators’ Association (ETNO)
*Kristina Olausson, European Telecommunications Network Operators’ Association (ETNO)

Revision as of 00:06, 3 May 2019

Consolidated programme 2019 overview

Title: GDPR Implementation: Blind spots, opportunities, and the way forward

Proposals assigned to this session: ID 10, 27, 38, 66, 70, 72, 79, 102, 107, 129, 145, 176, 179list of all proposals as pdf

You are invited to become a member of the session Org Team! By joining an Org Team you agree to that your name and affiliation will be published at the respective wiki page of the session for transparency reasons. Please subscribe to the session mailing list and answer the email that will be send to you requesting your confirmation of subscription.

Session teaser

The General Data Protection Regulation is known around the world, but how effective has the regulation been? What’s been the impact on citizens in the European Union, neighboring countries, and around the world? This discussion-based workshop will bring stakeholders together to take stock on these and other issues one year after the GDPR came into force.

Session description

PART I: Application of GDPR to different technologies and communities


- Proposal 70 – Blockchain, Privacy, and GDPR - Coordination with the other Blockchain EuroDIG session to avoid overlap and build on their session


Proposal 129 – Application to non-resident communities Proposal 179 – measures to better protect children have resulted in fragmentation of legal bases for processing childrens’ data across Europe Just because GDPR grants these rights people might not be aware of them and hence have hard time in exercising them

PART II: Evaluating the Impact of GDPR

EU Countries

- Discussion question: To what extent do data protection laws protect us or do they rather fulfill social roles?

  • Lack of transparency/awareness around the obligations of GDPR
  • Proposal 66 – Right to informational self-determination and the GDPR
  • Proposal 107 – improving privacy resilience in information societies

- How do we measure impact?

  • Corporate side: human rights impact assessments, RDR methodology, etc.
  • Government side: how are they evaluating impact?

Non-EU Countries

- After discussion on impact of GDPR in EU countries (see RDR’s results), focus on ripple effect for countries which are not necessarily covered by GDPR - Discussion on consequences of GDPR not only on EU countries but also other neighboring countries

  • Council of Europe Convention 108 and its relation to GDPR

  • Resulting imbalance between EU member states and CoE member states
  • Proposal 79 – Impact on trade and business partners in Africa and elsewhere

- Ranking Digital Rights: GDPR was a component of their latest report, could speak to areas where GDPR could be strengthened in terms of users rights + fragmentation of GDPR application (for example, Yandex in Russia)

Part III: New tools for protecting privacy and other rights


- Proposal 145 – EU ePrivacy Regulation - Idea about enhanced GDPR expert certification

  • Many people say they are GDPR experts and can help with the compliance but in reality this is not always the case
  • Would like to have a list of certified experts on GDPR, particularly in non-EU countries

Corporate Due Diligence Mechanisms

  • UNGPs, Human Rights Impact Assessments


Fishbowl: a moderated in-the-round style driven by substantial conversations and interactions between discussants.

Further reading


Until .

Please provide name and institution for all people you list here.

Focal Point

  • Collin Kurre, Article 19

Organising Team (Org Team) List them here as they sign up.

  • Meri Baghdasaryan
  • Raphael Beauregard-Lacroix
  • Amy Brouillette
  • Ayden Férdeline, Technology Policy Fellow, Mozilla
  • Fotjon Kosta, Coordinator of Albania IGF
  • Kristina Olausson, European Telecommunications Network Operators’ Association (ETNO)
  • Oksana Prykhodko
  • Marina Shentsova
  • Bart van den Bergh
  • Veszna Wessenauer, Ranking Digital Rights

Key Participants

Key Participants are experts willing to provide their knowledge during a session – not necessarily on stage. Key Participants should contribute to the session planning process and keep statements short and punchy during the session. They will be selected and assigned by the Org Team, ensuring a stakeholder balanced dialogue also considering gender and geographical balance. Please provide short CV’s of the Key Participants involved in your session at the Wiki or link to another source.


The moderator is the facilitator of the session at the event. Moderators are responsible for including the audience and encouraging a lively interaction among all session attendants. Please make sure the moderator takes a neutral role and can balance between all speakers. Please provide short CV of the moderator of your session at the Wiki or link to another source.

Remote Moderator

Trained remote moderators will be assigned on the spot by the EuroDIG secretariat to each session.


Reporters will be assigned by the EuroDIG secretariat in cooperation with the Geneva Internet Platform. The Reporter takes notes during the session and formulates 3 (max. 5) bullet points at the end of each session that:

  • are summarised on a slide and presented to the audience at the end of each session
  • relate to the particular session and to European Internet governance policy
  • are forward looking and propose goals and activities that can be initiated after EuroDIG (recommendations)
  • are in (rough) consensus with the audience

Planning calls, minutes, and current discussion

WS2 Org Team Coordination Calls:

See the discussion tab on the upper left side of this page to have a look at the current discussion around this workshop's content.


A short summary of the session will be provided by the Reporter.

Video record

Will be provided here after the event.


Will be provided here after the event.