Enabling and empowering the regions with 5G, big data and IoT – Flash 06 2018: Difference between revisions

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Both presenters are part of the European Commission sponsored project PICASSO which aims to support EU/US ICT R&I collaboration (see www.picasso-project.eu).
Both presenters are part of the European Commission sponsored project PICASSO which aims to support EU/US ICT R&I collaboration (see www.picasso-project.eu).

Revision as of 17:59, 27 November 2020

Consolidated programme 2018 overview

Session description

Digitisation, and its scalability, offers a lot of opportunities for less densely populated areas to innovate where that was previously not feasible from technical and/or economic perspective. In the USA, for instance, the Smart and Connected Communities movement applies advanced technologies to improve the lives and livelihoods of the residents in a region. While some challenges are shared with urban cities, others are unique to more rural communities where infrastructures are less dense.

Digital Communities are where people come together to learn, share and collaborate to build digital solutions to common problems and challenges. Digital Communities integrate information and communication technologies (ICT) and physical devices connected to the network (the Internet of things or IoT) to optimise the efficiency of local (to the community) availability and quality of services, operational efficiency of local organisations and connections among community members and organisations. Digital community technology allows local officials to interact directly with both community and local infrastructure and to monitor what is happening in the community, and how the community is evolving.

This session will focus on new technology development such as 5G networks, big data, and IoT, and what is needed to empower local communities to benefit as much as possible. We will consider how this interrelates with aspects of privacy & data protection; ICT security, ICT standards and use of spectrum. Intention of this session is to kick off a debate on the perspectives for Digital Communities to emerge and thrive making best use of 5G networks, Big Data, and IoT (Cyber physical systems), and the role of ICT R&I in this, both for Europe and US. We will also share main lessons learned on collaboration opportunities across the Atlantic in this.

For more information see the website from the EU sponsored PICASSO project (www.picasso-project.eu).

Key Words

5G Networks; Big Data; Internet of Things; Privacy; Dataprotection; ICT Security; ICT Standardisation; Spectrum; communities; sustainability.


The session will be presented by Maarten Botterman and Jonathan Cave as a dialogue, initially presenting the concepts, challenges and opportunities, and subsequently asking participants for their questions, thoughts and concerns.

Further reading

Upcoming Webinar about Digital Communities on 9 May 2018, 17:00 UTC.

More information on PICASSO.



Maarten Botterman: Founder and Director of GNKS, ICANN Board Director, Chairman of the IGF Dynamic Coalition on the Internet of Things, and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of NLnet Foundation. Maarten is information society policy expert, based in the Netherlands, and has worked since 1999 on regional global information society policy issues like impact of technology on society, global governance, information assurance, data privacy, e-government, and global Internet challenges. Previous positions included Director Information Society Policy at RAND Europe, Scientific Officer at the European Commission, and Senior Advisor in the Dutch Government on Information Society issues.

Prof. Dr. J.A.K. Cave: Senior Fellow in the Economics Department at the University of Warwick; a Turing Fellow and member of the Digital Ethics Research Group and Data Ethics Committee of the Alan Turing Institute; the PETRAS IoT research programme; and Economist Member of the UK’s Regulatory Policy Committee. He has long experience in research and policy on e-government, data analytics and better regulation, the economics of privacy; high-speed and computerised financial trading; regulatory assessment and reform; sustainable development and related topics with the UK government, the European Commission and the European Parliament. He is also an editor of the Journal of Cybersecurity and a member of the Programme Committee of the (annual, international) Workshop on the Economics of Information Security.

Both presenters are part of the European Commission sponsored project PICASSO which aims to support EU/US ICT R&I collaboration (see www.picasso-project.eu).