Talk:How to facilitate equal access for all? – WS 08 2015: Difference between revisions

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<p>Access for All: follow the standards</p>
<p>Access for All: follow the standards</p>
<p>Access for All: are the key on standards?</p>
<p>Access for All: are the key on standards?</p>
<p>How to facilitate equal access for all?</p>

Revision as of 10:07, 13 May 2015

This is the discussion site of the session Access for all

Ideas & References

note: these are ideas more appropriated to the WS8 follow up (the 2nd WP)

Possible Title

Access for All: you need to use the standards

Access for All: follow the standards

Access for All: are the key on standards?

How to facilitate equal access for all?


  • Marrakesh treaty -> lead to EuroDIG one person of WIPO - question: So, after all the treaty is on track or not really? / alternatively someone from EDF (European Disabled Forum)
  • the special reading services of libraries - the case of Sweden (where the DAISY format borned in 1993 to solve the problem of preservation of audiobooks and braille books to visual impairment)
  • digital preservation: what format (PDF, ePub, HTML, …)? what support (Discs, CDs, USB pens, clouds inhouse or outhouse, …)?
  • what to preserve? Only text (gutenberg style) or also structure? In our days structure is an important element to accessibility. In a structural document, users can read information in non linear ways like read only headings, skip paragraphs, navigate through the cells of a data table, etc, etc. To accessibility reason we need not only preserve the elements (text, images, sounds, videos) but also the semantic of the elements.
  • copyright: the exceptions and limitations at national laws (according to WIPO only 60 of it’s members (around 190) have exceptions and limitations to copyright law in favor of copying to disabled people (mainly, only blind & partially sighted people) Target: is not only visual impaired. For many potential readers, printed resources can present a barrier. We use the term "print impairment" to describe people who experience a significant barrier when trying to access traditional texts.

Draft Session Description

In the recent years, European countries have developed ambitious strategies and plans to provide universal or near-universal access to the Internet for all. We are moving from basic broadband to next generation access and from 3G to 4G.

However, not everyone is able to get online yet. Obstacles include poor Internet infrastructure in remote and rural areas; prohibitive pricing for specific groups such as the young, the elderly or the unemployed; the lack of basic digital skills; and the lack of special technologies for the disabled.

This session will examine the role of different information and technology platforms in providing access to different communities and groups around Europe. We will specifically look at mobile technologies, public information platforms such as libraries, skills initiatives and assistive technologies for the disabled.

The session aims to offer new insights and discuss innovative approaches to brining the Internet for everyone.
