NRI ASSEMBLY – Pre 05 2020

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Consolidated programme 2020 overview / Day 0

If you want to contribute to this session please contact the session organiser.

Session teaser

It is a tradition that European National and Regional Internet Governance Initiatives (NRIs) are meeting at EuroDIG. We would like to keep this tradition also in a virtal meeting. The session is divided into 3 thematic segments (see below). The meeting is open for everyone interested in the work of the NRIs.

Session description

PART 1: Digital cooperation architecture and approaches for the future

(related proposals: #43, #66, #116, #123, #130, #135, #144, #169, #170, (#39, #67, #74, #98, #124)

The UN Secretary-General’s High-level Panel on Digital Cooperation submitted its report The Age of Digital Interdependence on Monday 10 June 2019. As a contribution to the follow up process National and regional IGFs formed a task force and developed a survey to provide input on Recommendation 5A/B of the Report of the High-Level Panel on Digital Cooperation. This survey focused on the IGF Plus model that was one of the suggested architectures. All stakeholder, individuals, organisation, governments, the industry or NRI coordinators, were invited to respond to the survey. The Co-Champions, the Governments of Germany and the United Arab Emirates, are facilitating the global follow-up process on the recommendations related to the Digital Cooperation Architecture.

Invited speaker:

  • Dr. Rudolf Gridl from the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy will provide an update on the overall follow up process.
  • Mark Carvell, Independent Analyst will summarise the findings from a European perspective

PART 2: Best practice on possible NRIs legal entities

(related proposals: #163)

Some NRIs have founded a legal entity whilst others are in the process. This part of the session shall serve as an exchange among NRIs on the experiences in forming and founding a legal entity. Potential speaker:

  • n.n. IGF Italy
  • n.n. IFG Germany
  • n.n. SEEDIG

PART 3 (TBC): IGFs as think-tanks for legislative action?

(related proposals: #60, #67, #88)

National legislation is in the focus of national IGFs, but to which extend can NRIs become a source for legislative action. How can we avoid unintended side effects with new or changing laws? How can we better connect the legislative bodies with the discussions that are held at IGFs? Potential speaker: Parliamentarians


This session will be a mixture of presentation, breakouts, brainstorming, consultation and discussion.

Further reading

  • The High-level Panel on Digital Cooperation launched its report and recommendations on Monday 10 June 2019.

Read more at :

  • EuroDIG held a consultation on this report to discuss and assess the HLP report and collate views from all stakeholders from all over Europe on the report and its recommendations.

Read more at:

  • The office of the Special Adviser to the UN Secretary-General, the Governments of Germany and the United Arab Emirates were named as “Champions” to facilitate this follow-up process on the recommendations related to the Digital Cooperation Architecture.

Read more at:
