Artificial Intelligence, Ethics and the Future of Work – WS 08 2018

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6 June 2018 | 14:00-15:30 | GARDEN HALL | remote participation | video streaming
Consolidated programme 2018 overview

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Session teaser

What are the ethical and rights considerations in relation to AI and the future of work? Come, find out and contribute!


Artificial Intelligence, AI, Ethics, Ethical Considerations, Future of Work, Responsibility of State, European Strategy on AI, Human Rights

Session description

Like the Internet, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the characteristics of a pervasive and disruptive technology with the potential for transforming society. The challenges and opportunities posed by AI are so great that calls are being made around the world for an ethical framework that would govern the development and use of AI, so that deployment of AI will be safe and beneficial for society as a whole. This session picks up from EuroDIG 2017’s exploration of AI and the Future of Work. Discussions will focus on the following questions:

  • What are the ethical and rights considerations in relation to AI and the future of work?
  • What is the responsibility of the state and what are the state’s ethical considerations?
  • What are the ethical considerations for employers as they deploy AI in work and production processes?
  • Are there ethical considerations that apply to workers themselves as they work with AI?
  • Should robots and algorithms be given legal personality to address liability and taxation issues?
  • What are the rights considerations in all of this?

Background: In 2017, EuroDIG explored the topic of how the digital revolution is changing people’s worklife. Artificial Intelligence is expected to change business models and the jobs landscape for every kind of organization, including the government. While new jobs will be created (including AI-augmented work), jobs will also be displaced. The net effect on society is uncertain. Human beings need to adapt and will require (among others) lifelong learning skills, re-education (including a reconceptualization of education), re-training, entrepreneurial training, and more. Social welfare and security systems that underpin care for society requires new solutions with new sources of financial contributions/support as AI displaces humans in the workforce. Basic income as a means of coping with the impact of jobs displacement is being experimented upon in various countries, but the results do not yet provide clear guidance for other countries. What should Europe do? In 2018, EuroDIG explores the ethical and rights considerations of AI in relation to the future of work and humanity.

Note: Each of the components in the topic is broad and complex. What we want to focus the workshop on is the impact of AI on the Future of Work, the ethical considerations, whether the ethical approach is sufficient, and what it means for various societal stakeholders in terms of responsibility and recourse.


Moderated discussion involving ALL workshop participants/attendees (at the venue and remotely) with key interventions by designated role players to provide perspectives from government, business, workers/trade union and civil society.

Further reading/viewing


Debating Europe's live debate in the European Parliament on the impact of AI on the future of jobs on 24 April 2018

On Moral Decisions by Autonomous Systems by Virginia Dignum, Associate Professor of Social Artificial Intelligence, Delft University of Technology & Executive Director, Delft Design for Values Institute


Focal Point

  • Rinalia Abdul Rahim – Workshop Focal Point; Managing Director, Compass Rose Sdn Bhd & Advisory Board Member, Mozilla Foundation

Key Participants

Key Participants are experts that are invited to provide their knowledge during the workshop.


Vint Cerf, Internet Pioneer (VIA VIDEO) - View on Ethics and Algorithms

Olivier Bringer, Head of Next Generation Internet Unit, DG CONNECT, European Commission - View on European AI Strategy, Relationship with Next Generation Internet, Impact on Future of Work, Ethics and Human Rights implications/considerations

Claudio Lucena, Professor and former Dean of the Law Faculty at Paraiba State University, Brazil & Research Fellow at the Research Center for Future of Law, Portugal - View on AI and Future of Work: Challenges, Ethics and Enforceable Measures


Annette Muehlberg, Head of the ver.di Digitalisation Project Group, Germany - Workers/Trade Union Perspective on the ethical and rights considerations in relation to AI and its impact on the future of work [VIA VIDEO]

Mariam Sharangia, Chief Specialist of Strategic Development Department, Georgia's Innovation and Technology Agency - Governmental perspective on the state’s responsibility in relation to AI and its impact on the future of work, especially the ethical and rights considerations

Clara Sommier, Public Policy & Government Relations Analyst, Google - Business perspective on the ethical and rights considerations in relation to AI and its impact on the future of work

Leena Romppainen, Chair, Electronic Frontier Finland - Civil Society perspective on the ethical and rights considerations in relation to AI and its impact on the future of work

Christian Djeffal, Project Leader for IoT and eGovernment, Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society, Germany - Academic perspective on ethical and rights consideration in relation to AI and its impact on the future of work


  • Rinalia Abdul Rahim – Workshop Focal Point; Managing Director, Compass Rose Sdn Bhd & Advisory Board Member, Mozilla Foundation
  • Maarit Palovirta – EuroDIG Subject Matter Expert; Senior Manager, Regional Affairs Europe, Internet Society

Remote Moderator

The Remote Moderator is in charge of facilitating participation via digital channels such as WebEx and social medial (Twitter, facebook). Remote Moderators monitor and moderate the social media channels and the participants via WebEX and forward questions to the session moderator. Please contact the EuroDIG secretariat if you need help to find a Remote Moderator.


Reporters will be assigned by the EuroDIG secretariat in cooperation with the Geneva Internet Platform. The Reporter takes notes during the session and formulates 3 (max. 5) bullet points at the end of each session that:

  • are summarised on a slide and presented to the audience at the end of each session
  • relate to the particular session and to European Internet governance policy
  • are forward looking and propose goals and activities that can be initiated after EuroDIG (recommendations)
  • are in (rough) consensus with the audience

Organising Team (Org Team)

  • Joelma Almeida – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
  • Farzaneh Badii – EuroDIG Subject Matter Expert; Executive Director, Internet Governance Project / Research Associate at Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Public Policy
  • Amali de Silva Mitchell – Individual, Civil Society
  • Frédéric Donck – EuroDIG Subject Matter Expert; European Regional Bureau Director, Internet Society
  • Claudio Lucena – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
  • Fabio Mortari – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
  • Malgorzata Pek – Council of Europe
  • Maarit Palovirta – EuroDIG Subject Matter Expert; Senior Manager, Regional Affairs Europe, Internet Society
  • Rachel Pollack Ichou – UNESCO
  • Sandro Karumidze – Telecom Business Development, UGT, Georgia
  • Tapani Tarvainen – Electronic Frontier Finland

Current discussion, conference calls, schedules and minutes

See the discussion tab on the upper left side of this page. Please use this page to publish:

  • dates for virtual meetings or coordination calls
  • short summary of calls or email exchange

Please be as open and transparent as possible in order to allow others to get involved and contact you. Use the wiki not only as the place to publish results but also to summarize the discussion process.


A short summary of the session will be provided by the Reporter.

Find an independent report of the session from the Geneva Internet Platform Digital Watch Observatory at

Video record

Will be provided here after the event.


Will be provided here after the event.