YOUthDIG 02 2021

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25 June 2021 | 15:30-17:00 CEST
YOUthDIG 2021 programme

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Working title: Internet & Environment

Session teaser

We will discuss the intersection of the Internet and sustainability along with human rights concerns. Then, we will discuss policy implications and a perspective from the European parliament. Through this session, the participants will have enough information to be active participants in the FS1 session of EuroDIG and beyond.


1. Michael Oghia (SDIA), Carbon and the cloud - An overview of ICT sustainability (30mins presentation + 15 mins Q&A)
Information and communications technologies (ICTs) have a direct impact on the physical environment, locally, regionally, and internationally. While these technologies play an increasingly central role in global efforts to find solutions to tackle the climate crisis and promote both environmental protection as well as sustainable development, the growing demands of an Internet-dependent and interconnected society are contributing to unprecedented levels of energy consumption, conflict mineral mining, e-waste generation and subsequent dumping in the Global South, negative effects on vulnerable natural landscapes, communities, and human rights, and much more. This session will highlight how digital technologies are inextricably linked to both the climate crisis and human consumption habits. It will explore how the Internet and ICTs relate to sustainability and environment, and help participants make a clear connection between the ever-growing amount of data generated, digital technologies used, and impact it has on the environment.
2. Alexandra Lutz (European Parliament) (30mins presentation + 15 mins Q&A)

Further reading

Links to relevant websites, declarations, books, documents. Please note we cannot offer web space, so only links to external resources are possible. Example for an external link: Main page of EuroDIG


Focal Points

  • Kris Shrishak, YouthDIG Org Team
  • Alessia Sposini,YouthDIG Org Team

Key participants

  • Michael Oghia, Director of Communications & External Relations at the Sustainable Digital Infrastructure Alliance (SDIA)
  • Alexandra Lutz, European Parliament