Talk:Blockchain & Privacy – WS 10 2019

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Proposals assigned to this session:


Blockchain. It's currently a buzzword while we should analyze and assess it's current and future impact in our lives.


We don't need a blockchain! - > On the last Eurodig, the hype about blockchain was real. But - do we really need blockchain? Proposals about medical data on blockchain and many more are not the brightest one when it comes to the real functionality of blockchain. Instead of "too many proposals" and "one size fits all" solutions on the blockchain, let's rethink the possible issues.


GDPR vs Blockchain as a controversial concept of privacy and blockchain shared technology. Will GDPR ruin the blockchain?


Blockchain and Governance: The third generation of blockchains are starting to add on-chain governance. Tezos, EOS and WORBLI, for example, are blockchains that address governance in their design. This is a good approach to address internal governance issues. The main focus there, however, is to avoid monopolization of power by addressing game- theoretical aspects. But governance of public blockchains should also be inclusive. Society and not only participants of that chain should be represented there. This is also the basis for society to respect decentralized blockchain governance and shield it from legal interference by courts and other central actors. Blockchains that are used for eGovernment should not be under centralized control but should have a legitimate decentralized governance. This is a prerequisite to use the full potential to create trust through distributed ledger technology.


Blockchain, Privacy and GDPR: An increasing number of applications use blockchain to provide superior privacy and data sovereignty to their users. This is perfect privacy by design, since users do not have to trust powerful intermediaries not to abuse their data, but they are protected by algorithms and design. No malicious administrator or CEO has the power to abuse their data. However, blockchain-based applications have a hard time to complying with GDPR. There is the conflict between the right to be forgotten and the immutability and transparency of public blockchains. But, even more importantly, GDPR is designed for applications under central control. Peer-to-peer applications like blockchains do not provide this central control. Users are simultaneously “controllers”, “processors” and “data-subjects”. There is nobody to make “processing agreements”, create a record of processing activities or reply to data protection authorities. Can we risk banning better privacy for these formal reasons?


Internet governance issues: How to deal with GDPR and Blockchain? Can GDPR Block Blockchain? Personal Data in Blockchains – Anonymous Content?


Using of blockchain technologies for building-up IG communities (especially in case of Youth IGFs)


Promises, challenges and implications for transforming social media communities: blockchain, law and policy