Opening the black box – How technology and policy shape the internet? – Edu 01 2019

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Consolidated programme 2019 overview

To follow the current discussion on this topic, see the discussion tab on the upper left side of this page

Final title of the session: Please send the final title until latest to Do not edit the title of the page at the wiki on your own. The link to your session may otherwise disappear.

Working title: Internet 101 – What's behind your router?

Proposals assigned to this session: ID 166 – list of all proposals as pdf

You are invited to become a member of the session Org Team by subscribing to the mailing list. Please be aware that an email will be send to you requesting confirmation of subscription, to prevent others from subscribing you to the list. As spam detection systems are rather aggressive today you may need to have a look to your spam folder too.

If you would just like to leave a comment feel free to use the discussion-page here at the wiki. Please contact to get access to the wiki.

Session teaser

Until .

Session description

Until .

Always use your own words to describe your session. If you decide to quote the words of an external source, give them the due respect and acknowledgement by specifying the source.


Until .

Pre-events should give the opportunity to create synergies with 3 rd parties i.e. Dynamic Coalitions, Partners. No session principles apply. They are held on day zero in parallel to setting up the venue for EuroDIG. We provide limited technical support.

Describe your plans here.

Further reading

Until .

Links to relevant websites, declarations, books, documents. Please note we cannot offer web space, so only links to external resources are possible. Example for an external link: Main page of EuroDIG



Focal Point

  • Chris Buckridge, RIPE NCC

Organising Team (Org Team) List them here as they sign up.

  • Chivintar Amenty
  • Andrea Beccalli, ICANN
  • Peter Koch, DENIC

Key Participants

Key Participants are experts willing to provide their knowledge during a session – not necessarily on stage. Key Participants should contribute to the session planning process and keep statements short and punchy during the session. They will be selected and assigned by the Org Team, ensuring a stakeholder balanced dialogue also considering gender and geographical balance. Please provide short CV’s of the Key Participants involved in your session at the Wiki or link to another source.


The moderator is the facilitator of the session at the event. Moderators are responsible for including the audience and encouraging a lively interaction among all session attendants. Please make sure the moderator takes a neutral role and can balance between all speakers. Please provide short CV of the moderator of your session at the Wiki or link to another source.