Blockchain & Privacy – WS 10 2019

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Consolidated programme 2019 overview

Title: Blockchain & Privacy

Proposals assigned to this session: ID 46, 48, 60, 69, 70, 102, 109, 113list of all proposals as pdf

You are invited to become a member of the session Org Team! By joining an Org Team you agree to that your name and affiliation will be published at the respective wiki page of the session for transparency reasons. Please subscribe to the session mailing list and answer the email that will be send to you requesting your confirmation of subscription.

Session teaser

Huge centralized data collections are a main threat to privacy. They can be abused by large corporations, hackers that breach firewalls and secret services. Blockchain omits centrally controlled data collections and can provide better privacy protection in some cases. At the same time Blockchain means immutability and lack of central control. Data protection however, includes the right to be forgotten, requires regular deletion and assigns responsibilities to controlers of data processing. Is privacy regulation like GDPR an obstacle to the use of privacy enhancing peer-to-peer technology like blockchains? Can blockchains be GDPR-compliant? What are best practices?

[This is a first draft for a session teaser. See also for an introduction into that topic. See also the WSIS-workshop and the workshop at the University of Geneva on the same topic:]

Session description

Until .

Always use your own words to describe the session. If you decide to quote the words of an external source, give them the due respect and acknowledgement by specifying the source.


Until .

Please try out new interactive formats. EuroDIG is about dialogue not about statements, presentations and speeches. Workshops should not be organised as a small plenary.

Further reading


Until .

Please provide name and institution for all people you list here.

Focal Point

  • Jörn Erbguth, University of Geneva

Organising Team (Org Team) List them here as they sign up.

  • Chivintar Amenty, YouthDIG 2019
  • Raphael Beauregard-Lacroix
  • Clarissa Calderon, Universität Hamburg
  • Debora Cerro Fernandez, IP Lawyer
  • Iliana Franklin
  • Anja Grafenauer
  • Arvin Kamberi
  • Galia Kondova, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW), School of Business
  • Diona Kusari
  • Oksana Prykhodko
  • Enzo Puliatti, ISOC Italy
  • Lisa Trujillo

Key Participants

  • Anja Grafenauer, [[] Privacy By Blockchain Design], Profile
  • Lisa Trujillo, independent consultant, LinkedIn
  • Galia Kondova, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, Profile

The list is not complete yet and some key participants might still be added.


  • Jörn Erbguth

Remote Moderator

Trained remote moderators will be assigned on the spot by the EuroDIG secretariat to each session.


  • Jana Misic, Wilfried Martens Centre for EU Studies

The Reporter takes notes during the session and formulates 3 (max. 5) bullet points at the end of each session that:

  • are summarised on a slide and presented to the audience at the end of each session
  • relate to the particular session and to European Internet governance policy
  • are forward looking and propose goals and activities that can be initiated after EuroDIG (recommendations)
  • are in (rough) consensus with the audience

Current discussion, conference calls, schedules and minutes

See the discussion tab on the upper left side of this page. Please use this page to publish:

  • next telco on April 23rd at 5 pm Geneva time
  • We had a discussion about the title, the proposals are here the winner is blockchain & privacy


A short summary of the session will be provided by the Reporter.

Video record

Will be provided here after the event.


Will be provided here after the event.