Surveillance, Privacy and related topics

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This is a possible cluster of topic proposals.

Surveillance and privacy

Proposals 7, 9, 10, 12, 13,15, 29, 44, 51, 62, 81, 85, 86, 87, 89, 95

No Name Affil./Org. SH-group Topic and sub-issues Description Remarks
7 Matthias C. Kettemann University Frankfurt, Germany Academia Privacy, data protection and surveillance
(Data is the new currency. Countries collect it, companies store it ... but how can we ensure that transboundary data flows are regulated in a human rights consistent way -- Panel on issues related to jurisdiction, privacy and data protection. We\'ll look at questions like: Which entities are responsible? Who has jurisdiction? Do we need a new concept of jurisdiction and responsibility?
9 Christoforos Pavlakis Bophana Audiovisual Resource Center Civil Society Privacy and security in Internet Big Data
Internet of Things
MOOCs and education reform

10 Gry Hasselbalch Lapenta The Thinktank Digital Youth, Denmark Youth Revisiting the privacy discourse targeted youth -- How do we nuance the discourse of privacy initiatives targeted youth? How do we build informed knowledge and awareness about privacy today?
Two recent surveys conducted by the thinktank Digital Youth in 2013 (, illustrate that social strategies to preserve their privacy is essential to their use of social media. However, they generally appear unaware and unconcerned about the flow of private data “behind the scenes”. They repeat stories they have heard about surveillance, “super computers” and “Snowden”, but privacy is for them connected with social contexts and close relations with family and friends. Their understanding of privacy reflects to a large extend privacy campaigns and educational initiatives about the representation and branding of oneself online. It is time to move beyond basic understandings of privacy to develop a more sophisticated understanding among youth of data flow and privacy.
12 Jordi Iparraguirre ISOC Catalonia, Spain Technical community Privacy and anonymity in the digital and "analogic" world: Right to anonimity on the Internet, privacy by default. Habeas (meta/data). Eduicating citizens. Anonymity is key for free speech and, like any other tool, it may be used als ofor crime. As the good will of people has been abused, we do need a more clear scenario on it\'s use, and controlling goverments and law enforcement.
- Are backdoors legal for law enforcement? Then, Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? How?

13 Sorina Teleanu Chamber of Deputies, Parliament of Romania Govern. Org. Privacy and data protection for European citizens beyond European borders -- how to ensure that the privacy and data protection rights of European citizens are protected beyond European borders? What actions to be taken? By whom? There are relatively high standards in the field of privacy and data protection at the EU and Council of Europe level. But are they enough when it comes to protecting the European citizens rights to privacy and data protection beyond European borders? Are the existing bilateral agreements in this area (Safe Harbor,PNR,TFTP etc) ensuring an adequate level of protection for these rights? What to do at European and international level in order to ensure that these rights are better protected outside European borders, when it comes to both the private sector (transborder data flows between companies, data stored outside Europe etc.) and the public entities in third countries (requests for data of European citizens or secret collection of data related to the online activities of European citizens)?
15 Leonid Todorov Coordination Center for TLDs for Russia Technical community Internet Governance - a Changing Landscape Privacy: The Thick Red Line -- With recent disclosures and "revelations", the issue of privacy has been debated at all fora and on all levels. Can we hammer out a universal solution and make sure there is no Peeping Tom around? What kind of instrument could be crafted on the international level and how it could be made effective in preventing privacy breaches?
21 Matthias Flittner KIT / research assistant Academia Secure Cloud Computing for critical infrastructure providers Legal and liability aspects of cloud computing Requirements of critical infrastructure. Risks and threats of cloud computing for critical infrastructures. How to make the cloud transparent to the user.
29 Milton Mueller Global Internet Governance Academic Network (GigaNet) Academia State Surveillance on the Internet -- Internet technical standards and end user security Deep packet inspection (DPI) cooperation between ISPs and national security agencies.
Localization as a response to NSA surveillance.
Independent academic researchers and technical experts should explore how Internet governance processes have reacted to the Snowden revelations. The session should not debate whether the surveillance is good or bad, but describe the changes its explosure has provoked in several areas. Three areas of change need to be covered:
1. IETF moves to \"harden\" Internet technical standards.
2. DPI surveillance programs that involve cooperation between private Internet service providers and national security agencies
3. Proposed policies to localize or nationalize services, equipment or routing
GigaNet is able to provide experts in each of these areas.

44 Carlo Piltz
European Data Protection Reform
1. The one-stop-shop mechanism: PRO's and CON's for consumers and businesses?
2. International data flows
1. What will be the effects of the proposed one-stop-shop mechanism? What has to be changed? How will consumer complaints work in the future?
2. The EU Commission proposed changes to the Safe Harbour decision with the USA. Will Safe Harbour survive? What alternatives are foreseen in the proposed regulation?

51 Tatiana Tropina Max-Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law, Germany Academia The blurring borders between criminal law, security and intelligence - how to implement proper safeguards for human rights and data protection?
As many discussions these days, this proposal is related to the recent revelations concerning mass surveillance and data gathering by intelligence services. Procedural measures implemented by criminal law (such as interception. collection of data) are related to crime are usually strictly regulated by safeguards, warrants, data protection rules. However, the issues of security in terms of prevention goes beyond criminal law and creates a "grey" area when security agencies can gather and monitor data without proper safeguards. This proposal suggests to discuss the issue of safeguards (human rights, data protection, etc) which have to be implemented in this "grey area" and the way of implementing them.
62 Annnette Mühlberg ver.di and EURALO, support by ISOC chapter Belgrade, FIfF, Afilias, Open Rights Group Civil society and MS Surveillance: Democracy at stake! Surveillance by States and by Business creates monopolies of power which endanger democracy. Those new monopolies of information collection and automated evaluation endanger and undermine human rights. In order to preserve human rights and enhance their enforcement in the digital society, we need to strengthen the informational self-determination of citizens in all spheres of society, particularly leisure and consumption, health, social security, work, media, politics. Which regulatory approaches and frames are needed to ensure such "informational self-determination" of citizens and Internet users and can prevent concentration of power and eroding of democracy and rule of law? How can respective provisions be effectively enforced?
81 Lee Hibbard Council of Europe Europ. Org. Mass surveillance and the right to privacy : how can our human rights be enforced and reinforced?

85 Christian Horchert CCC e.V., Germany Technical community Securing civil society -- How can we get rid of insecurities by design which leave us vulnerable to attacks of all types? And what does it actually mean, if we are not able to fix the technical problems in the future? The base of our society depends on complex, networked technical systems - be it for communication in general, be it related to economy, politics or much of our everyday’s life. From the perspective of civil society we can\'t distinguish between attacks from organized crime, intelligence agencies, armies or scriptkiddies, so we need at least to agree on the fact that we have an issue here, especially if the continue to let backdoors and insecurities on purpose stay the way they do right now. There is hope, but only if we agree what is necessary to protect infrastructure, i.e. by having better liabilities for soft- and hardware as well as data and a massive intervention to actually fix many of the current problems. In order to get this done there must be a technical as well as a legal effort.
86 Andreas Schumann Genossenschaft zur Wahrung von Nutzerinteressen eG, Germany Business Use of personal data - balance of power between citizens, industry and government -- Personal data is the currency of the digital age. We suggest to discuss, what new applications, communities, mechanism ensure a fair balance of interests between all those involved. Enlightened dialogue marketers and address wholesalers, economy and government understand that their business cannot go on as it has in the past: social and political pressure is growing to help consumers more easily exercise their right to determine how their personal data is used. Web 2.0 and social media demonstrate how users play a role in determining the nature of business relationships. What new mechanisms and applications for controlling personal data, one that brings together the interests of the advertising industry, businesses and government needing to advertise, with those of customers, consumers and citizens. How can the real “me” decides which data may be stored and who is permitted to use it; in turn, companies obtain non-discriminatory access to valid data.
87 Lorena Jaume-Palasi Ludwig Maximilians Univ. // Collaboratory, Germany Academia Anonymity -- Is there a difference between anonymity online and anonymity offline? What are the new phenomena, characteristics, risks and cutting points of anonymity offline and online? The once current dichotomy online / offline is incrementally eroding. Face recognition software and new gadgets (such as cameras, google glasses, etc.) in the public sphere constitute new challenges for anonymity. Democracies grant anonymity in some contexts to foster freedom of expression and choice. There are also cultural and social norms/expectations with respect to the need and validity of anonymity. Are we facing a new paradigm?
89 Jiannis Koudounas Internet & Society Collaboratory, Germany others Territorial rights, content ownership (and Big Data) in the Digital Age 1) Territorial rights (distribution, copyright) and content ownership in the Digital Age. 2) Big Data related (cultural and business) opportunities/risks for digital publishing and reading.
1) Territorial rights. How should the delivery/distribution of content be organized so that consumers can legally get what, when and where they want it?
2) Ownership of digital content. In the digital age, you no longer really seem to own the content you have "bought". Ownership is rather access to the "purchased" digital content. Yet access and availability are subject to territorial rights and complicated content provider licensing restrictions.
3) How publishers and cultural scientists can benefit from Big Data. "Hacking the book": tools to make texts (artificially) intelligent. Private vs. social reading. Who should own user generated content, such as annotations/comments in books?

95 Desiree Miloshevic / Jim Killock GDP / Openrights group, UK Civil society UK censorship (filtering especially, also copyright)