Multi-stakeholder consultation on UNESCO project Defining Internet Universality Indicators – Pre 05 2017

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5 June 2017 | 15:00 - 17:00 | Room Tornimäe II, Swissotel, Tallinn, Estonia
Programme overview 2017

Session teaser

New project of UNESCO on defining universal Internet indicators


Internet Universality, Connecting the Dots

Session description

UNESCO takes the occasion to present its new project “Defining Internet Universality Indicators” which is supported by Sweden and ISOC (Internet Society) and seeks to engage with various stakeholders for their inputs and contribution. The project is an immediate response and action following UNESCO’s adoption of the ‘CONNECTing the Dots’ Outcome document in 2015 as its new approach to Internet issues as well as the successful development and application of the UNESCO IPDC Media Development Indicators. The project aims to elaborate appropriate Internet indicators which can serve to enrich the stakeholders’ capacity for assessing Internet development, broaden international consensus, and foster online democracy and human rights towards knowledge societies engaged in sustainable development. This task will be based on UNESCO concept of Internet Universality and related R.O.A.M principles as the guiding framework that promotes an Internet based on human rights, and the principles of openness, accessibility and multi-stakeholder participation. In order for the discussion to be interactive, the session will start with a brief presentation of the draft indicators and brief remarks from the speakers. The moderator will structure the discussion into five slots on Human Rights, Openness, Access, Multi-stakeholderism and crosscutting dimension and will invite all of you to take the floor. Focus groups will possibly be created to facilitate more in-depth discussion among participants. Some key questions will be asked to all participants regarding your experience of gathering and using Internet indicators within your country/area of work or the most important issues related to human rights, openness, accessibility and multistakeholder approach that should be included in the Internet Universality indicators.

This month, UNESCO is launching a year-long programme of consultation to develop a set of Internet Universality indicators, covering these four fundamental norms and the cross-currents between them. These indicators will help governments and other stakeholders to assess their own national Internet environments, and to promote the values associated with Internet Universality. There will be a mix of quantitative and qualitative indicators. Special attention will be paid to gender and to the needs and interests of children and young people. Work on the project to define Internet Universality indicators is being led for UNESCO by the Association for Progressive Communications (APC).

Written contribution is welcome via UNESCO email

An online platform for consultation will be available at:


Presentation, discussion


In-Person Co-Moderators:

  • Ms Anriette Esterhuysen, Association for Progressive Communications
  • Ms Xianhong Hu, UNESCO.


Presentation of the project

  • Ms Xianhong Hu, UNESCO
  • Ms Anriette Esterhuysen, Association for Progressive Communications

Speakers on Human rights dimension indicators

  • Ms Karmen Turk, Triniti University of Estonia

Speakers on Openness indicators

  • Mr. Luca Belli, FGV Direito Rio
  • Mr. Chris Buckridge, RIPE NCC

Speakers on Accessibility indicators

  • Mr. Stephen Wyber, International Federation of Library Associations

Speakers on Multi-stakeholderism indicators

  • Mr. Xingdong Fang, CEO of Cyberlabs

Speakers on crosscutting dimension indicators

  • Mr. Andrea Calderaro, Cardiff University

Further reading


Please provide a short summary from the outcome of your session. Bullet points are fine.