Governance Model for the Inter-Planetary Network – Flash 01 2023

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20 June 2023 | 10:30 - 11:15 EEST | Auditorium A3
Consolidated programme 2023 overview / Flash 1

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Session teaser

Much progress is being done in inter-planetary communication, using Delay Tolerant Networks (DTN) technology. Besides the technical issues, the question is whether we need a governance model for these networking activities and what would be its main features.

Session description

In the beginning, Internet was a meta-network connecting mostly academic networks and was governed by mutual trust of the operators. In time, it started having commercial implications, and the need for a governance scheme was recognised to mediate among the interests of different stakeholders.
Inter-planetary networking is following a similar path: for now, we have academic or research activities, but the potential commercial implications are already recognisable. The question is whether we should develop a governance model before the commercial interests become too strong, and if so which model should we be looking at.
The session will present some of the developments in this area and start a discussion with the audience on possible governance models. The contributions include:

  • a presentation from IPNSIG;
  • a presentation from IOAG LunaNet Governance Committee.


A panel of experts will make the presentations and answer the questions asked by the audience.
A discussion on governance models, managed by a moderator, will follow.

Further reading


Organising Team:

  • Roberto Gaetano (Focal Point/Session Organiser)
  • Yosuke Kaneko
  • Samo Grasic
  • Felix Flentge

Key participants

  • Yosuke Kaneko, IPNSIG - presenting the progress in IPNSIG since last year
  • James Schier, NASA - presenting the scope and plans of the LunaNet Governance Committee
  • Roberto Gaetano, EURALO (moderator)