Reimagining Social Media – YOUthDIG 06 2023

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18 June 2023 | 10:00 - 12:00 EEST
YOUthDIG 2023 Main programme

Session teaser

Modern information platforms (e.g. social media) have been shaping societies around the world for than 15 years. Yet, their operations have stayed largely unregulated which lead to a poor alignment between them and social norms and values. Representatives of those platforms have also been quite successful in convincing the public that their current form is the definitive form of social media. But is it so? In our session, we will look onto how democratic societies have adopoted and aligned themselves with the new forms of media in the past. We will then brainstorm and discuss what are the learnings for our digital hyperconnected AI-driven world.


Further reading

  • Jonathan Haidt's Google Doc "Social media and Politicial Dysfunction" (it's huge, but it provides a good birds-eye view on the current state of research on social media's impact on the society).
  • Lookup "public service media" on Google/Wikipedia .


Key participants

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  • Person 1
  • Person 2