IoT deployment for sustainability – Pre 14 2024
by Dynamic Coalition on Internet of Things
17 June 2024 | 14:30 - 15:30 EEST | WS room 2
Consolidated programme 2024
Pre sessions are organised by an individual or an organisation. The EuroDIG session principles do not apply.
Title and all sections of this page should be finalised by 21 May 2024.
DO NOT edit the title yourself, the link to your session may otherwise disappear. Please send the final title as early as possible to
Working title: Progressing Global Good Practice for the Internet of Things
Join us to help develop a clear vision on Global Good Practice for IoT towards 2030, taking into account where we are in IoT deployment, policy and regulatory developments around the world, and the role of AI/ML in governing IoT ecosystems, taking Core Internet Values into account at every step. Three important takeaways from IGF 2023 we want to build on in the coming year:
- IoT data, especially AI-enhanced, should be understandable, accessible, interoperable, reusable, up-to-date and clear regarding provenance, quality and potential bias.
- At the level of devices, there need to be robust mechanisms for finding, labelling, authenticating and trusting devices (and classes of devices). These should survive retraining, replacement or updating but be removable when necessary for functional, security or privacy reasons. To ensure IoT functionality, trustworthiness and resilience, market information and incentives should be aligned. Labels provide a powerful tool; many countries have developed and adopted IoT trust marks, and the time has come to start working towards their international harmonization.
- Functions are not all confined to single devices, designed in or provided by system integrators; they can also be discovered by end-users or emerge from complex system interactions in cyber-physical systems (CPS) and IoT-enabled services. Governance requires methods for recognising, protecting and controlling these functions and their impacts. This is even more true when CPS and services are AI enabled.
This DC IoT activity solicits input from DC CIV and DC IS3C, as well as from the Policy Network on Artificial Intelligence and other DCs.
Session description
Always use your own words to describe your session. If you decide to quote the words of an external source, give them the due respect and acknowledgement by specifying the source.
Pre-events should give the opportunity to create synergies with 3 rd parties i.e. Dynamic Coalitions, Partners. No session principles apply. They are held on day zero in parallel to setting up the venue for EuroDIG. We provide limited technical support.
Let us know here what you want to do.
Further reading
Links to relevant websites, declarations, books, documents. Please note we cannot offer web space, so only links to external resources are possible. Example for an external link: Main page of EuroDIG
Key participants:
Please provide name and institution for all people you list here.
Example for a list:
- Person 1
- Person 2