Collaboration tools
Find below a list of tools to communicate and collaborate with the members of the wiki-section.
Conversation & deliberation tools
Adium A free and open source instant messaging client for OS X
Appear browser-based video-conferencing tool (no login required)
Jappix Jappix is an open social platform, that let's you easily get or keep in touch with everyone.
Mumble Mumble is a voice over IP (VoIP) application
Roundcube browser-based multilingual IMAP client
XMPP Clients List of XMPP-Clients (german)
Writing & editing tools
Open Knowledge Foundation Pad collaborative writing tool (without login)
Google-Docs collaborative writing tool (at least the owner needs login)
MixedInk collaborative writing tool (login required)
ShowDocument collaborative writing tool (login required)
Trello free project management tool (login required)
Newsletters and Mailing Lists
- Yahoo Groups, Google Groups
- Listserv (self-hosted)