How to

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Revision as of 21:26, 20 April 2019 by Eurodigwiki-edit (talk | contribs)
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How to edit a wikipage

Steps to edit

1. Go to the section of the page you want to edit

2. Click "edit"

3. Enter the text or changes

4. Click on "show preview" to check before publishing

5. Save changes

Typography: Bullets, Bold and Italics

BULLETS: To organize a text using bullets you need to add the symbol * in front of it, for example: * this is a text with a bullet and will look like

  • this is a text with a bullet

BOLD: To add bold select the text and press the button B on the upper left corner of the editable field.

ITALICS: To add italics select the text and press the button I on the upper left corner of the editable field.


Linking to another wiki page

1. Go to the section you want to edit

2. Copy the name of the page you want to link to

3. Insert two opening brackets [[ before and the same but closing brackets after the name of the page (e.g. [[Consolidated programme 2018]]). The link will than look like Consolidated programme 2018
Also it is possible to provide a different text that will displayed like [[Consolidated programme 2018|EuroDIG programme 2018]]. The link will than look like EuroDIG programme 2018.

Linking to an external page

1. Go to the section you want to edit

2. Copy the URL name of the page you want to link to

3. Insert one bracket [ before the URL name of the page, press one space bar, insert the name you want to see displayed and finish the line by inserting the closing ] bracket (e.g. [ More information about eurodig] ). The link will look like More information about eurodig.


Markdown Cheatsheet