Children’s rights for a better Internet – Flash 04 2018

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5 June 2018 | 15:15-15:45
Consolidated programme 2018

Session teaser

At the end of 2017, over 4 billion internet users were registered. One in three of them is a child. Advocating for children’s rights in this digital world has increased in its outreach, although there are still plenty of questions to address. Are children sufficiently represented in the internet users’ scheme? Catering for the voice of youth reached out to developing countries? And perhaps an underlying question: are the current efforts contributing to a better internet with equal rights or are they creating discrepancies for children across the globe?


Developing digital skills; youth participation; equal rights; digital inclusion; better internet; vulnerable children; Internet of Things; data protection, age of consent, right to be forgotten

Session description

Having at the core mission children’s rights for a better internet in the digital age is not a rare belief, although one cannot help but wonder if the target audience is actually informed in a proportional manner. In this session, we will start by taking the pulse of the audience’s perception of children’s rights in the digital world, looking into some key outreach examples at European level and opening up for a discussion on how these models could be extrapolated in the global internet.


Opening remarks from the youth ambassador from the Better Internet for Kids Youth Ambassador programme (5 min) Short survey to check the audience’s awareness on children’s rights in the digital world (3min) Followed by pitch presentations

  • Better Internet for Kids (5 min)
  • Stiftung Digitale Chancen (5 min)

Closing the session through an open discussion with the audience on their views (12min)

Further reading


  • Jutta Croll - Stiftung Digitale Chancen
  • Sabrina Vorbau – European Schoolnet – Better Internet for Kids
  • Fiorella Belciu - European Schoolnet – Better Internet for Kids
  • Joao Martins – Portuguese Safer Internet Centre – Youth Ambassador at Better Internet for Kids
  • Amali De Silvia - Volunteer