Co-designing the Global Internet Policy Observatory (GIPO) – 2015

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4 June 2015
Programme overview 2015


First interactive workshop on Global Internet Policy Observatory under the title: Co-designing the GIPO platform will take place in Sofia, on 4th June 2015 during EuroDIG 2015: Shaping the internet together conference.

In the coming months, GIPO (the Global Internet Policy Observatory) will present a prototype tool that will be monitoring Internet-related policy, regulatory and technological developments across the world. The Observatory tool will share knowledge among all actors, including countries, NGOs and interest groups that may have been marginalised in Internet debates and decisions. Contributions submitted on this platform will be used to make the tool better for users.

The workshop is open to all Eurodig 2015 participants. For organisational reasons, please express your interest in the workshop by booking a free ticket here.

For details about Global Internet Platform Observatory visit: [1]


internet governance, internet policy observatory, science 2.0, e-government, open government


The Co-designing the GIPO platform workshop is an invitation for open discussion and collaboration on the technological developments of the platform during three working sessions on specific issues related to the development of the platform. It is a part of Global Internet Policy Observatory series of webinars and workshops aimed at engaging all those interested in Internet Governance in an active discussion on the development of the GIPO platform.

Purpose of the workshop:

  - Introducing and illustrating the objectives of GIPO,
  - Understanding the needs of community and engage them in active collaboration, 
  - Identifying new solutions together

After presentations from keynote speakers, participants will be invited to contribute to development of the GIPO platform by taking part in one of the three working sessions´ debates. Each of the working session will be dedicated to specific challenges of the development of GIPO platform. The purpose of the working sessions is to identify the opportunities for making sense of complex policy-making issues. The discussion during each session will revolve around following questions:

  1.	What is the main problem to tackle?
  2.	What should the service look like?
  3.	How do we get there? (Inspiring examples, existing solutions)
  4.	Who is willing to help?

This workshop is mainly dedicated to the technology experts working on similar tools & technologies and to Internet Governance communities participating at the EURODIG event.

Profile of participants: Internet Governance and technology-enabled policy making community

Number of participants: 40

Workshop will be web-streamed. It can also be followed via #giponet and questioned will be monitored and addressed during its course.


16:30 – 16:40 Introduction to Global Internet Policy Observatory

                       Megan Richards and Cristina Monti, European Commission

16:40 – 16:50 Presentation of the GIPO project status

                       Luis Meijueiro, Fundacion CTIC

16:50 – 17:00 Q & A

                       moderated by David Osimo, Open-Evidence

17:00 – 17:15 Synergies between GIPO and other mapping initiatives

                       Stefaan Verhulst, the Governance Laboratory @NYU

17:15 – 17:30 Sharing, gathering and interpreting social media data on policy issues

                       Cornelius Puschmann, Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen 

17:30 – 17:45 Text analytics and semantic metadata extraction in developing software collecting multilingual content

                       Toby Crayston, Text Razor

18:00 – 18:30 Interactive working sessions on specific technological aspects of GIPO platform development:

  Session 1 - How to ensure interoperability and coordination through common taxonomies led by Stefaan Verhulst, the Governance Laboratory @NYU
  Session 2   How should the social media data be analyzed and presented for informing policy debates led by Cornelius Puschmann, Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen
  Session 3   How to get the most from semantic analysis services led by Toby Crayston, Text Razor

18:30 – 19:00 Wrap up of conclusions from working sessions by Luis Meijueiro, Fundacion CTIC

The workshop is open to all EuroDig 2015 participants.

Further reading

GIPO webpage

Feasibility study on using automated technology to support policy making


Organiser: Kasia Jakimowicz, European Affairs Manager, Open Evidence


  • Toby Crayston

Toby Crayston is a founder of TextRazor - a startup providing software that helps developers rapidly build text analytics into their applications. He has over 10 years of engineering experience centered around Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing. Previously Toby worked in search R&D for Bloomberg, building out their news search infrastructure.

  • Luis Meijueiro

Luis Meijueiro is a senior consultant in knowledge management and Open Data at CTIC Foundation Technology Centre since 2005, and will play the role of functional analyst of GIPO technical platform. He will be responsible for the functional definition, analysis and platform documentation. His research interests include e-Government, Open Government, Open Data, and Semantic Web. Meijueiro received an MSc in computer science at the University of Deusto, Bilbao. Luis has worked too in consultancy services for eGovernment projects related to the deployment of broadband infrastructure and web applications in public institutions and business associations. In recent years Meijueiro has participated in projects linked with re-use of Public Sector Information, including the re-use strategy for the Government of Spain and the architecture of the national Open Data portal. Currently Meijueiro is the content steward at the ePSI Platform, the European Commission’s initiative for promoting the PSI re-use across EU, and member of its expert’s team.

  • Cristina Monti

Cristina Monti is International Relations Officer in the Directorate General for Communications networks, Content and Technologies (DG CONNECT) of the European Commission since January 2014. She is a member of the Internet Governance Taskforce responsible for the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) and the Global Internet Policy Observatory (GIPO). Cristina is also the official alternate representative of the European Commission to the Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) of ICANN. Cristina first joined the European Commission in 2012 in the Directorate General for Translation. Before that, she was Director of the European Internet Foundation (EIF), an independent, non-partisan and multi-stakeholder forum led by Members of the European Parliament, with the aim to help provide European political leadership responsive to challenges of the digital revolution. Cristina holds an Advanced Degree in Interpreting and Translation and an MBA Certificate in “Lobbying & Business Representation”.

  • David Osimo

David Osimo is Co-Founder of Open Evidence – a spin-off of Universitat Oberta de Catalunya specializing in applied research and consultancy. He has 20 years of experience as advisor on information society and innovation policies, inside and outside government, at local and international level (Open Evidence, Tech4i2 ltd, European Commission Joint research centre, IPTS, Regione Emilia-Romagna). David is able to combine research and practitioners skills: as a researcher, he is mostly known for his pioneering work on web 2.0 in government and science, on which he advised the European Commission and the United Nations Development programme. He also published articles on e-government, future science, research and innovation policy and ICT statistics and he is an experienced keynote speaker at high-level events such as Ministerial Conferences and the Digital Agenda Assembly. As a practitioner, he created web- platforms for policy-making (,, and the Grand Coalition Pledge Tracker) and inducement prizes for innovation (iMinds INCA awards and

  • Megan Richards

Megan Richards is Principal Adviser and Head of the Internet Governance Taskforce in DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology (CONNECT) of the European Commission. She is also the official representative of the European Commission to the Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) of ICANN. Megan has a bachelor of science, bachelor of laws and master of public administration degrees. She has worked for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Africa, the Inter-American Development Bank in Washington, the government of Canada, and private law firms. In 1991, she joined the European Commission and has worked programs to support SMEs, research and innovation, including regulatory, legal, financial and contractual issues. From September 2006- April 2009 she was director of resource management in the Commission's Joint Research Centre; and as from May 2009 has been in DG CONNECT, holding positions of director of General Affairs, director of Converged Networks and Services, director Coordination, and acting deputy director general before taking up her current position. From 2013-2014 she was EU Fellow at the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs at Harvard University.

  • Cornelius Puschmann

Cornelius Puschmann is an acting professor of communication science at Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen and research associate at the Humboldt Institute for Internet and Societyin Berlin. Previously he was a visiting fellow at the Oxford Internet Institute and visiting assistant professor at the University of Amsterdam's Department of Media Studies. His interests include social media communication in science and organizational settings, as well as methodological and ethical considerations of working with online data.

  • Stefaan Verhulst

Stefaan G. Verhulst has been exploring the intersection of technology, science and policy for over two decades. He is currently the Co-Founder and Chief Research and Development Officer of the Governance Laboratory (GovLab) at New York University where he is responsible for building a research foundation on how to transform governance using advances in science and technology. His latest research and writing considers how advances in technology and science can be harnessed to create effective and collaborative forms of governance. Before joining NYU full time, Verhulst spent more than a decade as Chief of Research for the Markle Foundation, where he continues to serve as Senior Advisor where he was responsible for overseeing strategic research on all the priority areas of the Foundation. He is also an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Culture and Communications at New York University, Senior Research Fellow for the Center for Media and Communications Studies at Central European University in Budapest; and an Affiliated Senior Research Fellow at the Center for Global Communications Studies at the University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg School for Communications. He co-founded and was the Head of the Programme in Comparative Media Law and Policy at the Centre for Socio Legal Studies at Oxford University, and also served as Senior Research Fellow of Wolfson College. He is still an emeritus fellow at Oxford. He also taught several years at the London School of Economics. Verhulst was the UNESCO Chairholder in Communications Law and Policy for the UK, a former lecturer on Communications Law and Policy issues in Belgium, and Founder and Co-Director of the International Media and Info-Comms Policy and Law Studies at the University of Glasgow School of Law. He has served as a consultant to numerous international and national organizations, including the Council of Europe, the European Commission, UNESCO, World Bank, UNDP, USAID, the UK Department for International Development among others. He has been a grant recipient of the Bertelsmann Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Markle Foundation.

Video stream

Video stream

Session twitter hashtag

Hashtag: #eurodiggipo