How to continue your journey in Internet governance – YOUthDIG 09 2023
21 June 2023 | 09:00 - 09:50 EEST
YOUthDIG 2023 Main programme
In this session we will meet stakeholders from the Internet ecosystem elaborating on how you can get involved in their communities and why you should! With this session, we hope to showcase to YOUthDIG participants opportunities they can relate to so that they can work towards their continued participation, and meet people to reach out to when attending future events.
This session will be in interview-style with João Gomes moderating, with time to ask questions by the YOUthDIGers
Further reading
Council of Europe
NL Internet Governance Forum (NL IGF)
Internet Governance Forum (IGF)
- Participating at the IGF: Intersessional work
- Participating at the IGF: National and regional initiatives
Global Internet Governance Academic Network (GigaNet)
RIPE Academic Cooperation Initiative (RACI)"
Focal Point: Nadia Tjahja
Moderator: João Gomes
- Menno Ettema, Council of Europe
- Marjolijn Bonthuis and Dorijn Boogaard, NL IGF
- Chris Buckridge
- Adam Peake, ICANN
- Professor Wolfgang Kleinwaechter, GigaNet
- Alena Muravska, RIPE NCC