Talk:Responding to disinformation in times of COVID-19 and geopolitical conflict – FA 04 Sub 01 2022

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Discussion on 9 May: It was agreed that everybody should provide a short paragraph with his/her idea of the subject to cover and also propose a speaker by 13 May, next discussion on 16 May at 15:00.

Ideas mentioned so far:

  • How the internet has effected the war - has disinformation increased due to the war? - EP Resolution on this subject
  • standard-setting of the Council of Europe in this field - the new committee on the integrity of online information - the (geopolitical) role of platforms - CoE hate speech approach
  • research is available, including on Ukraine
  • misinformation of public institutions - the role of the press - how to transfer the balanced approach of the press to social media - illustrative examples from pandemic exist
  • examples of debunking of mis- and dis-information by investigative journalists
  • US approach 1st amendment vs EU approach
  • DSA's obligations for trusted flaggers and the DSA/online harms bill
  • UN global code of conduct is in the making; it is supposed to promote integrity in public information, to be explored together with States, media outlets and regulatory bodies, facilitated by the United Nations.