UNESCO IFAP Session: Launching IGF Dynamic Coalition on Measuring Digital inclusion: Advancing Digital Inclusion for building inclusive Knowledge Societies – Pre 02 2024

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17 June 2024 | 11:15 - 12:15 EEST | WS room 1
Consolidated programme 2024

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Working title: UNESCO Session: Launching IGF Dynamic Coalition on Measuring Digital inclusion for building inclusive Knowledge Societies

Session teaser

Session description

In line with the implementation of IFAP Strategic Plan 2023-2029, the Information for All Programme (IFAP), jointly with Global Digital Inclusion Partnership (GDIP) and the newly founded IGF Dynamic Coalition (DC) on Measuring Digital Inclusion, with the presence of DC partners including will gather partner institutions such as the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), the Regional Centre for Studies on the Development of the Information Society (CETIC), the United Nations University Group on Electronic Governance (UNU-EGOV), and Tech and Global Affairs Innovation Hub.

The session, aims engage with European and international stakeholders and leaders for triggering policy discussion on how to join synergies and advance inclusive digital governance and create digital ecosystems that are accessible to everyone, including women and girls.

The discussion builds upon the insights derived from the IFAP Working Groups-organized events such as the AI for Accessibility (AI4IA) Conference and global brainstorming on implementing AI ethics recommendation of UNESCO. Therefore, the session sheds light on frontier technologies’ impact on advancing digital inclusion and knowledge societies, and how to apply evidence-based approaches and digital measurements frameworks to shape inclusive AI governance, regulation and policies through the newly founded Dynamic Coalition.

As highlighted in its new IFAP Strategic Plan 2023-2029, IFAP aims to mainstream principles and policies for inclusive, equitable, and sustainable Knowledge Societies into national development plans and digital transformation processes, including employing measurement frameworks to address digital inequalities between and within countries and communities.

IFAP thus promotes a number of UNESCO’s related principles and measurement frameworks which are at the forefront of fostering digital inclusion including UNESCO Internet Universality ROAM-X Principles and indicators (human Rights-based, Open to all, Accessible by all, and Multi-stakeholder participation), Knowledge Societies Policy Handbook, and the implementation of 2019 Recommendation on Open Educational Resources (OER). IFAP also works extensively with partners and stakeholders to promote evidence based digital inclusion and share good practices such as “Meaningful Connectivity: measurement proposals and the portrait of the population in Brazil” by CETIC, and the UN E-Government Survey with UNDESA.

The session has three objectives:

  1. Delve into the application of evidence-based approaches and digital measurement frameworks to advance inclusive digital governance. This includes employing measurement frameworks to address digital inequalities between and within countries and communities including women and girls’ empowerment in technology.
  2. Explore the multiple implications of frontier digital technologies such as AI including generative AI, quantum technology, etc, on building digital inclusion and knowledge societies, with a focus on promoting monitoring mechanisms to inform evidence-based policymaking related to frontier digital technologies.
  3. Invite European stakeholders to join the Dynamic Coalition and discuss the strategy, actions, work plans and synergies among Coalition members. Shed light on the Coalition’s organisation awareness campaigns aimed at fostering multi-stakeholder dialogues, showcasing achievements, and conducting policy studies.

Join Dynamic Coalition: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=Uq5PHbM5-kuwswIpVrERlPUAGNIIul1Js4JqfmtM5s1UOFpRSkxRVzIwNVU2VEM2VVBVRzhDMEFLNS4u


Pre-events should give the opportunity to create synergies with 3 rd parties i.e. Dynamic Coalitions, Partners. No session principles apply. They are held on day zero in parallel to setting up the venue for EuroDIG. We provide limited technical support.

Let us know here what you want to do.

Further reading


Established by UNESCO Member States in 2001, the Information for All Programme (IFAP) serves as a platform for fostering international collaboration and partnerships aimed at cultivating inclusive and sustainable Knowledge Societies. IFAP recognizes six priority areas: Information for Development, Information Literacy, Information Preservation, Information Ethics, Information Accessibility, and Multilingualism in cyberspace.

In line with IFAP Strategic Plan 2023-2029 and at the heart of IFAP's mission lie its endeavours to mainstream principles and policies for inclusive, equitable and sustainable knowledge societies into national development plans and promote measurement frameworks designed to identify and address digital disparities both within and across nations and communities.

IFAP’s Dynamic Coalition on Measuring Digital Inclusion (DC-Digital Inclusion) is born out of the desire to establish principles and policies for inclusive, equitable, and sustainable knowledge societies through collaboration between IFAP and its partners. This IGF’s Dynamic Coalition sees the joint efforts of IFAP, Global Digital Inclusion Partnership (GDIP), International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), Regional Centre for Studies on the Development of the Information Society (CETIC), United Nations University Group on Electronic Governance (UNU-EGOV), Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF), United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), and International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

The Coalition aims to achieve the below objectives:

  1. Raise awareness of and advocating for monitoring mechanisms and frameworks that facilitate evidence-based policymaking of digital inclusion for closing digital gender inequalities.
  2. Exchange on methodologies, results and good practice on the implement of evidence-based approaches and measuring digital inclusion and the digital participation of women and girls at all stages, from STEM education to technology development and usage.
  3. Share and promote accurate data collection and analysis at global, regional, and national levels for advancing digital inclusion and gender equality.
  4. Understand frontier technologies, particularly AI, and update measurement tools to foster inclusiveness and empowerment of women and girls in digital age.
  5. Foster opportunities for women's participation, entrepreneurship and leadership in digital transformation and shape gender-inclusive policies and capacity-building initiatives targeted at women and girls.


  • Moderator:
    • Ms. Xianhong Hu, UNESCO Programme Specialist, Secretariat of Information for All Programme (IFAP), Communication and Information Sector of UNESCO.
  • Introduction remarks (5’)
    • Mr. Pablo Miguel Medina Jimenez, Chair of the Intergovernmental Council of Information for All Program (IFAP) of UNESCO (5') – on-site participation
  • Panel remarks and DC statements (24’)
    • Ms. Sonia Jorge, Executive Director, Global Digital Inclusion Partnership (GDIP) (3') – online participation
    • Ms. Viktoriia Romaniuk, Chair of IFAP Working Group on Information Ethics, Deputy Director, Mohyla School of Journalism, Associate Professor, Lecturer at Mohyla School of Journalism (3') – online participation
    • Mr. Yves Poullet, Emeritus Professor at the University of Namur, Honorary Rector of UNamur and Associate Professor at UC Lille, member of the Royal Academy of Belgium and member of the Litigation Chamber of the Belgian authority of Data protection (3’) – TBC
    • Ms. Tatevik Grigoryan, Associate Programme Specialist, Communication and Information Sector of UNESCO (3') – on-site participation
    • Ms. Delfina Soares, Director of United Nations University Group on Electronic Governance (UNU-EGOV) (3') – on-site participation
    • Ms. Constance Bommelaer de Leusse, Executive Director, Tech and Global Affairs Innovation Hub, Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA) at Sciences Po (3') – online participation
    • Ms. Diana Gianluca, responsible for Government Relations in the EMEA region, Lenovo (3') – on-site participation
    • Mr. Alexandre Barbosa, Head of Regional Center for the Development of Information Society - Cetic.br (3') – online participation
  • Q&A (26')
    • Open Floor and engage DC partners and stakeholders
  • Closing remarks (5')
    • Mr. Pablo Miguel Medina Jimenez, Chair of the Intergovernmental Council of Information for All Program (IFAP) of UNESCO (5') – on-site participation