E-Participation in shaping a greener environment – Flash 12 2018

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Consolidated programme 2018 overview

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Final title of the session: Please send the final title until latest to wiki@eurodig.org. Do not edit the title of the page at the wiki on your own. The link to your session may otherwise disappear.

Working title: Shaping a greener digital environment

Session teaser

Until .

Europe’s future depends on its youth. Promoting youth participation is fundamental in the EU policy. Especially for environmental issues, the participation of young people in decision making is extremely important, as decisions taken now on matters such as climate change, the depletion of resources, and the loss of biodiversity will have long-term consequences that will affect the future generations. Young people will have to live longer with the consequences of current decisions and have special concerns and responsibilities in relation to the environment. The concept of public participation is also a fundamental principle in environmental law, while the Aarhus Convention (signed by the European Community and its Member States in 1998) gives the public the right to obtain information on environmental issues and participate in decision-making.

Traditional channels of representative democracy, such as voting at elections and joining political parties, only partially stimulate young people’s interest in active participation.

At the session, we will discuss the importance of young people to participate in decision making in environmental issues and STEP.Green 📱tool, which is aimed to increase e-participation of young people in the decision-making process on environmental issues.


Until . They will be used as hash tags for easy searching on the wiki Green, Eco-friendly, Digital, environment, youth, activists

Session description

Until . Always use your own words to describe your session. If you decide to quote the words of an external source, give them the due respect and acknowledgment by specifying the source.

What Association do you have when you hear Greener Digital Environment?

What does it mean for you to shape a greener digital environment?

Is it e participation about environmental topics important or needed? Right or Responsibility?


Until .

Open Discussion

Further reading

Until . Links to relevant websites, declarations, books, documents. Please note we cannot offer web space, so only links to external resources are possible. Example for an external link: Main page of EuroDIG

yIGF booklet on youth in Internet governance http://yigf.nerdy.canopus.uberspace.de/2018/04/26/our-booklet-is-ready/

http://step4youth.eu/ http://yeenet.eu/


Please provide name and institution for all people you list here.

Ketevan Kochladze - Board Member, Member Organizations officer - Youth and Environment Europe (Georgia Youth Eco Movement - SAEM - Vice President)