NRI ASSEMBLY – Pre 04 2019

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Consolidated programme 2019 overview

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Working title: NRI ASSEMBLY

Proposals assigned to this session: ID 105, 110, 147, 149 – list of all proposals as pdf

You are invited to contribute to this session. To do so please get in touch with the EuroDIG office via email: If you would just like to leave a comment feel free to use the discussion-page here at the wiki. Please contact to get access to the wiki.

Session teaser

It is meanwhile a tradition that European National and Regional Internet Governance Initiatives (NRIs) are meeting at EuroDIG. Besides the opportunity to present the work of each NRI and the networking aspect this assembly also serve to identify tools and ways to increase the participation on a national level and to build a cooperation among NRIs in Europe. Therefore, we will focus on 2 main aspects:

  • Getting citizens on board
  • Start of an intersessional project

In addition, the EuroDIG secretariat is interested to hear what a new EuroDIG website should offer to create value for European NRIs.

Session description

  • Getting citizens on board

We invited Missionspubliques a consulting firm that works at local, national and international levels to get citizens and stakeholders involved to improve governance and decision-making in order to enhance the development of public policies and corporate strategies.
More information coming soon…

  • Start of an intersessional project

There was a demand within the EuroDIG network to initiate a longer-term project that offers European stakeholders the possibility to contribute throughout the year. It was decided to formulate a European Response to the Report of the High-Level Panel on Digital Cooperation. This report will be published shortly before EuroDIG where we will start a consultation process to discuss the Panel’s recommendations. Everyone interested can participate and the network of European NRIs are a significant source here. The intersessional project will result in a consolidated response by the European Community that will then be transmitted to the global IGF in November 2019 in Berlin.

Background: In July 2018, UN Secretary-General António Guterres established the High-Level Panel on Digital Cooperation. It consists of 22 international leaders from government, the private sector, academia, the technical community and civil society. Its goal is to identify good examples and propose modalities for working cooperatively across sectors, disciplines and borders to address challenges in the digital age. Between October 2018 and January 2019, the Panel conducted an open consultation process and collected inputs from all interested stakeholders worldwide. The Panel is currently compiling these inputs and envisages to present a final report with actionable recommendations by the End of May 2019 to the UN Secretary-General.

The IGF, EuroDIG and other inclusive multistakeholder dialogue platforms have laid important ground for the work of the Panel and play a key role in digital governance. Against this background, EuroDIG would like to invite the European community to formulate a response to the report of the High-Level Panel on Digital Cooperation. EuroDIG will start an online consultation process in which everyone interested can participate.


Until .

Pre-events should give the opportunity to create synergies with 3 rd parties i.e. Dynamic Coalitions, Partners. No session principles apply. They are held on day zero in parallel to setting up the venue for EuroDIG. We provide limited technical support.

Let us know here what you want to do.

Further reading

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Links to relevant websites, declarations, books, documents. Please note we cannot offer web space, so only links to external resources are possible. Example for an external link: Main page of EuroDIG


Until : Key participants

Please provide name and institution for all people you list here.

Example for a list:

  • Person 1
  • Person 2