NRI ASSEMBLY – Pre 04 2019
18 June 2019 | 14:30-18:00 | YANGTZE 1 |
Consolidated programme 2019 overview
Proposals assigned to this session: ID 105, 110, 147, 149 – list of all proposals as pdf
It is meanwhile a tradition that European National and Regional Internet Governance Initiatives (NRIs) are meeting at EuroDIG. Besides the opportunity to present the work of each NRI and the networking aspect this assembly also serve to identify tools and ways to increase the participation on a national level and to build a cooperation among NRIs in Europe. Therefore, we will focus on 2 main aspects:
- Getting citizens on board
- Start of an intersessional project
In addition, the EuroDIG Secretariat is interested to hear what a new EuroDIG website should offer in oder to create value for European NRIs.
Session description
14:00 - 14:15 / Who is in the room? - Tour de Table
14:15 - 15:30 / PART 1: Getting citizens on board
For this programme part we invited Missionspubliques an impact-driven consultancy (8 people) which works on improving governance by including ordinary citizens in the process of policymaking.
1. Who are you?
Missions Publiques is an impact-driven consultancy (8 people) which works at improving Governance by including ordinary citizens in the process of policymaking. We work on the Future of Internet (, autonomous mobility (, Uns’ 75th Anniversary (2020, in preparation) and Climate (COP26).
We launch coalitions of global partners that design and roll-out massive deliberative face-to-face meetings in 120+ countries of world. We then push results in the policymaking process to have an impact and change the way governance works. We have a strong track record of global and international processes on climate, space, Biodiversity, Internet. Our partners include international organizations (UNESCO, UNFCCC, European Union, Council of Europe, European Space Agency, etc.), Governments (France, Germany, Swiss, Finnland, Morroko, Austria, Japan, etc.), Civil society organizations (Web Foundation, World Economic Forum, Internet Society, Wikimedia Foundation, etc.) and companies (Google, Mozilla, Airbus, Keolis, ENGIE, etc.).
2. What is your concept?
Humanity deserves and asks for better governance. Both citizens and decisions makers are ready. By using such new forms of non-partisan political dialogue, decisions become more in tune with the complexity of our age, more legitimate and more sustainable. Decisions makers gain in legitimacy, insights and transparency. Citizens enter the realm of the complexity of global decision making and are included in policy making. This interaction strengthens them both. Our concept is opening a channel of dialogue between ordinary citizens and decision makers through the implementation of massive deliberative processes.
3. Where you see synergies to be created with NRIs?
The Global Citizens’ Debate on the future of Internet would highly benefit from NRIs’ experience, as much as our project could be high value for you.
All stakeholders active in the field of digitalization and internet governance say that citizens need to be involved. However, no one has proposed a global, credible and affordable process until now. We offer a sound process in the context of global interest. The UN is putting the topic on the agenda at the highest level (a High-level panel). Besides, as the IGF 2018’s host did, this year IGF’s host is linking his hospitality with the desire to improve global governance of Internet; there is a huge window of opportunity in 2019.
Our project will allow us to discuss together on the best ways to discuss with governments and other stakeholders thanks to a high-quality set of data and strategic views based on a democratic and legitimate process. You will share the stage with activists, governments, companies in a context where trust will be nourished by the protocol.
Deliberative processes are “trust proxies” that create an environment of fact-based discussion. They are good predictors of future opinion of the general population and policy makers because they look at the future situation and not the current one. They allow for complex, more nuanced answers that will help you understand the trends to come.
4. What are you planning in the programme slot?
- Opening (25’): Short presentation of project and process (Missions Publiques). We would like to present the results of the pilots and answer questions from the NRIs.
- Discussion / Break-out groups (25’): Participants are randomly split into groups of 5 (maximum diversity). In each group a facilitator and a note taker guide the discussion. They could discuss the following questions : What do these projects mean for my NRI? How do they inspire me for my strategy? What could I take up for my NRI?
- Presentation of results of the groups and conclusion (25’): Note takers present the key results of their group and all thogether we will identify possible areas of colaboration between NRIs and Missions Publique.
5. What you would like to get out of the meeting with NRIs it for your project?
We would appreciate to have Europeans stakeholders’ opinion on our project. It will help us to have a better vision of their priorities at the European scale. Through this workshop, NRIs will be able to learn from our methodology and discuss issues that European citizens must address. Exchanging with the NRIs will also help us improving by getting the feedbacks of Internet governance’s specialists.
15:30 - 16:00 / BREAK
16:00 - 17:30 / PART 2: Start of an intersessional project
There was a demand within the EuroDIG network to initiate a longer-term project that offers European stakeholders the possibility to contribute throughout the year. During the public planning meeting in January 2019 it was decided to formulate a European Response to the Report of the High-Level Panel on Digital Cooperation. This report was published shortly before EuroDIG where we will start a consultation process to discuss the Panel’s recommendations. All interested Europeans and people residing in Europe can participate and the network of European NRIs are a significant source here. The intersessional project will result in a consolidated response by the European Community that will then be transmitted to the global IGF in November 2019 in Berlin.
Background: In July 2018, UN Secretary-General António Guterres established the High-Level Panel on Digital Cooperation. It consists of 22 international leaders from government, the private sector, academia, the technical community and civil society. Its goal is to identify good examples and propose modalities for working cooperatively across sectors, disciplines and borders to address challenges in the digital age. Between October 2018 and January 2019, the Panel conducted an open consultation process and collected inputs from all interested stakeholders worldwide. The Panel is currently compiling these inputs and envisages to present a final report with actionable recommendations by the End of May 2019 to the UN Secretary-General.
The IGF, EuroDIG and other inclusive multistakeholder dialogue platforms have laid important ground for the work of the Panel and play a key role in digital governance.
Against this background, EuroDIG would like to invite the European community to formulate a response to the Report of the High-Level Panel on Digital Cooperation. EuroDIG will start an online consultation process which will be introduced during this sessiion.
17:30-18:00 / PART 3: A new website for EuroDIG
It is time for a fresh Internet presence. But which functionalities shall be included? What kind of tools and information you would like to see at We would like to hear in particular form the NRIs what they think about it.
This session will be a mixture of presentation, breakouts, brainstroming, consultation and discussion.
Further reading
The High-level Panel on Digital Cooperation launched its report and recommendations on Monday 10 June 2019.
Read more at :
Read here the Report of the High-Level Panel on Digital Cooperation.
Who is coming?
- organisers of European National and regional IG Initiatives (see:
- the EuroDIG Secretariat and Partner network (see:
- representatives of the IGF Secretariat
- representatives from Missionspubliques
- everyone that is interested in the work of NRIs
Find an independent report of the session from the Geneva Internet Platform Digital Watch Observatory at