A workplan for greater online security and safety. The Dynamic Coalition Internet Standards Security and Safety. – Pre 08 2021
28 June 2021 | 13:30-14:30 CEST (TBC) | Studio C
Consolidated programme 2021 overview / Day 0
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Final title of the session: Please send the final title as early as possible, latest until 20 May 2021 to wiki@eurodig.org. Do not edit the title of the page at the wiki on your own. The link to your session may otherwise disappear.
Working title: Presentation of the workplan. Dynamic Coalition Internet Standards Security and Safety
If you want to contribute to this session please contact the session organiser.
The (IGF) Dynamic Coalition on Internet Standards, Security and Safety (DC-ISSS) will bring together key stakeholders from the technical community, civil society, policymakers, regulators, corporate and individual adopters, with the shared goal of making online activity and interaction more secure and safer.
It is widely recognised that many existing and future Internet-related products and services will be vulnerable to security threats and the spread of online harms and criminal misuse, if relevant Internet standards and ICT best practices are not effectively deployed worldwide to reduce and prevent these risks.
The DC-ISSS aims to ensure that standards and best practices play their full role in addressing these challenges through establishing the conditions for their wider, more effective and more rapid adoption by key decision-takers throughout the standards development and implementation chain.
Session description
Until 20 May 2021.
Always use your own words to describe your session. If you decide to quote the words of an external source, give them the due respect and acknowledgement by specifying the source.
Until 20 May 2021.
Pre-events should give the opportunity to create synergies with 3 rd parties i.e. Dynamic Coalitions, Partners. No session principles apply. They are held on day zero in parallel to setting up the venue for EuroDIG. We provide limited technical support.
Let us know here what you want to do.
Further reading
Links to relevant websites, declarations, books, documents. Please note we cannot offer web space, so only links to external resources are possible. Example for an external link: Main page of EuroDIG
Until 20 Mai 2021.
Session organiser:
Key participants:
Please provide name and institution for all people you list here.
Example for a list:
- Person 1
- Person 2