EuroDIG 2021 – Into Europe’s Digital Decade
(as of 19 July 2021)
To watch the recorded video please click this icon at the consolidated programme or at the session pages. To go to the transcript please use this icon .
Due to the changing prognosis on the pandemic situation across Europe, it was recently decided to hold EuroDIG 2021 as a virtual meeting again. As much as we would have loved to meet in Trieste, the safety for everyone involved is an absolute priority.
ICTP has gracefully offered to extend their host role again to 2022, and we hope that third time’s a charm and we will be able to meet in Italy next year.
25 - 28 June
YOUthDIG – Youth Dialogue on Internet Governance
Day 0 / 28 June 2021 – Pre-event
Day 1 / 29 June 2021
09:00 - 10:00
Registration in the Gather space and networking
10:00 - 10:30
Welcome to the Studios
- Studio Trieste: Atish Dabholkar, Director, International Centre for Theoretical Physics (10')
- Studio Belgrade: Tatjana Matić, Minister of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, Republic of Serbia (10')
- Studio Bruges: Philippe de Lombaerde, Director Ad Interim of the United Nations University Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies (10')
10:30 - 11:30
Focus Session 1: Greening Internet Governance, Part II – Enabling an Environmentally Sustainable Digital Transformation in Europe #12 #16 #61 #62 #74 #99 |
Input (45')
WS 1: Digital services regulation – opportunities and challenges #14 |
WS 2: Benefits and challenges for unleashing potential of quantum technologies #5 #25 #47 #48 #49 |
Break (15')
11:30 - 12:15
Breakout (45')
Break (45')
Big Stage
- Amali De Silva–Mitchell, Futurist
12:15 - 13:15
Break (15')
WS 1 – follow up: Digital services regulation – opportunities and challenges |
WS 3: Data Sovereignty and Trusted Online Identity – COVID-19 Vaccination Data #10 #21 #92 |
Output (45')
13:15 - 14:15
Break (60')
Big Stage
14:15 - 14:45
- Roberto Viola, Director General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology, European Commission (15')
- Patrick Penninckx, Head of information society department, Council of Europe (15')
14:45 - 15:45
Focus Session 2: Governing digital interdependence – the role of Europe #9 #29 #34 #36 #54 #56 |
Input (45')
WS 4: New developments and prospects in data protection (with regard to AI). #10 #24 #26 #72 #79 |
WS 5: Crypto Wars 3.0 – can privacy, security and encryption co-exist? #11 #22 #47 #59 |
WS 6: Copyright – Implementation of the EU directive #4 #71 #81 |
Break (15')
15:45 - 16:30
Breakout (45')
Break (45')
Big Stage
- Wolfgang Kleinwächter, Prof. Em. University of Aarhus
Kindly see repetition on Day 2 for the video
16:30 - 17:30
Break (15')
WS 7: Human vs. algorithmic bias – is unbiased decision-making even a thing? #2 |
WS 13: Doing everything online – mental wellbeing vs. digital addiction effects on human interaction #44 #58 #68 #89 #94 #97 |
WS 9: Content moderation on the Internet infrastructure level – Where does censorship begin? #7 #55 #63 |
Output (45')
17:30 - 18:00
Closing of the day |
18:00 - 18:15
Break (15')
18:15 - 19:15
Social event Join us for a magical evening and get enchanted.
Day 2 / 30 June 2021
09:00 - 10:00
Registration in the Gather space and networking
10:00 - 10:30
Keynote and YouthDIG Messages 2021
10:30 - 11:30
Focus Session 3: New European proposals – NIS2 and cybersecurity agenda (#69) #84 #93 |
Input (45')
WS 10: Fake News – Dissolving Superstitions with Media Literacy #1 #35 #37 #58 #68 |
WS 11: Recent studies on accessing educational content #13 #35 #60 #76 |
Break (15')
11:30 - 12:15
Breakout (45')
Break (45')
Big Stage
- Mirja Hämäläinen, advisor, digital well-being, Save the Children Finland
12:15 - 13:15
Break (15')
WS 12: Best practices of self- and co-regulation of platforms towards a legal framework #23 #52 |
WS 8: International access to research content and sensitive data #15 #17 #27 #30 #31 #35 #40 #50 #57 #65 |
Output (45')
13:15 - 14:15
Break (60')
Big Stage
- Riccardo Nanni, University of Bologna
14:15 - 14:45
Keynote / presentation
14:45 - 15:45
Focus Session 4: European mediascape – How to (re)create a trusted public sphere? #6 #23 #52 #66 #67 #77 #96 |
Input (45')
WS 15: 5G User perspective and implementation #32 #45 #46 #98 #99 |
WS 14: Privacy impact of COVID19-related shift to online activities (payments, virtual meetings, e-commerce/e-banking) #15 #28 #43 #75 |
Break (15')
15:45 - 16:30
Breakout (45')
Break (45')
Big Stage
- Wolfgang Kleinwächter, Prof. Em. University of Aarhus
16:30 - 17:30
Break (15')
WS 17: Competition in the digital ecosystem – Europe and beyond #20 #83 #87 #90 #93 (#69) |
WS 16: Delay-Tolerant Network (DTN) #53 |
Output (45')
17:30 - 18:00
Closing of the day
- Krzysztof Szubert, High Representative of the Prime Minister for European Digital Policy, Poland, “Global Economic Recovery – Investing in Digital Transformation” (10')
- “We all live in digital world” IGF 2021 video (1'20)