Impact Assessment Toolkit – Hands on – Flash 05 2024

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18 June 2024 | 16:00 - 16:45 EEST | WS room 2
Consolidated programme 2024 overview

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Working title: Impact Assessment Toolkit – Hands on

Session teaser

Good Internet policy starts with an impact assessment. The Internet Impact Assessment Toolkit has been developed to help determine the positive or negative impacts from a public policy proposal. Join the session to understand how the toolkit works, and how you can contribute. We would like the Internet community to use it, so they can help us protect and defend the Internet from bad decisions from governments and corporations.

Session description

We cannot take the open, global Internet for granted. Any policy or decision which makes the Internet less open or global, could potentially have an impact on the unified, seamless Internet.

This Flash session will feature one of the Internet Society experts who developed the Internet Way of Networking model, the fundamental pillar of the Internet Impact Assessment Toolkit (IIAT).

If a policy undermines what the Internet needs to exist, it threatens a Critical Property without which the Internet cannot function. If a decision impacts what the Internet needs to thrive, it may make the Internet less open, less global, and less secure–affecting our experience of and over the Internet.


This Flash session will feature one of the Internet Society experts who developed the Internet Way of Networking model (read more about it here) which is the fundamental pillar for the development of the Internet Impact Assessment Toolkit (IIAT).

Further reading

The Internet Way of Networking:

The Internet Impact Assessment Toolkit, a practical tool to help policymakers and Internet champions protect the Internet from wrong policies that harm the Internet:

To better understand the basic components of an Internet Impact Assessment, it is important to learn which are the critical properties that Internet needs to exist and which are the enablers that allow it to thrive.

Internet Society's Internet threats monitor can be found on the Fragmentation Explainer. It helps people understand what Internet fragmentation means. It includes a range of examples of policies and decisions that could undermine the open, global Internet, or are already doing that:

Read all Internet Impact Briefs available here:


Carl Gahnberg, Director, Policy Development & Research (profile available here)