Does GDPR work? – Flash 02 2019
19 June 2019 | 11:45-12:15 | EVEREST 1 & 2
Consolidated programme 2019 overview
News about the enforcement of the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation by data protection authorities.
Session description
With GDPR, companies started to create long privacy statements and created annoying cookie-walls. This seems like a Pyrrhic victory. However, there a signs that real change is on its way. This flash session gives an overview about recent impacts of GDPR on the web and what we can expect in the near future. There will also be an explanation what GDPR means for the web, why there is more than consent and what rights we enjoy.
The flash session will consist out of a short presentation (20 mins) followed by 10 mins Q&A.
Further reading
Interesting opinions by data protection authorities:
- Dutch DPA: Cookie walls do not comply with GDPR
- French DPA (CNIL): 50 million Euro fine for lack of valid consent
- Jörn Erbguth, University of Geneva, Independent Consultant on Blockchain and GDPR
- Lisa Trujillo, Independent Technologist and Privacy Researcher, LinkedIn