Online sexual exploitation of children – challenges and legal response – Flash 5 2016

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9 June 2016 | 18:00
Programme overview 2016

Session teaser

"Just as the computer has become to revolutionize social life, it will revolutionize crime and deviancy; especially the parameters of deviant sexual fact, it is doing so already" (Durkin and Bryant, 1995)

Session description

Despite the benefits associated with Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), rapid technological advances, the increasing number of internet services and the globally widespread usage of internet, they are also accompanied with negative effects in the society. Over the past two decades, the internet has become a new medium through which child exploitation and sexual abuse happens. The improvement of preventive mechanisms has not managed to progress at the same speed with the widespread misuse of internet and technological developments. Internet allows abusers to operate globally without regard of borders. In this session will be analyzed how has the character of abuse of children changed since it started to happen through the virtual medium and what new challenges has this posed on international legislation.


Online sexual exploitation; Online child sexual abuse; Children, Internet; Pornography; Cybercrime


A short presentation of my PhD research project, followed by the feedback and questions from the audience.


Desara Dushi, PhD Candidate in Law, Science and Technology (LAST-JD), University of Bologna and University of Turin, Albania

Session twitter hashtag

Hashtag: #eurodig16 #F5