How to put ‘Katowice IGF Messages’ into practice? – Pre 01 2022

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20 June 2022 | 10:00 - 11:00 CEST | SISSA Main Auditorium | Video recording
Consolidated programme 2022 overview / Day 0

Session teaser

If you have a social media algorithm that observes your behaviour, profiling you, and feeds you things that make you go to the extreme, is that sophisticated? Yes, it is. Is that good? No, it is not. If only those patterns worked so that we all have nothing but reliable information around us. But still, we have disinformation skyrocketing, especially now with the war round the corner.

Session description

In this session we would like to emphasise the ‘The Katowice IGF Messages’, which are the latest conclusions on Internet governance and digital policy. It is an overview of the key views of the participants of the Internet Governance Forum 2021 held in Poland in December 2021.
The conclusions were reached during more than 300 sessions organized during the event.
Over 10 000 participants of the Katowice IGF discussed, among others, respect for users’ rights on the Internet, access to networks, regulations – especially those concerning online platforms, cybersecurity and global cooperation on digital issues.

Katowice IGF Messages are compiled for each of the six IGF 2021 issue areas:

  • Economic and social inclusion and human rights
  • Universal access and meaningful connectivity
  • Emerging regulation: market structure, content, data and consumer rights and protection
  • Environmental sustainability and climate change
  • Inclusive Internet governance ecosystems and digital cooperation
  • Trust, security, stability

We will discuss a proper and lawful use of technology (including AI) as a huge opportunity. For example, digitisation makes it possible to transfer part of a construction or research and development projects to a virtual reality. Analysing large amounts of data in real time and comparing it with historical data enables important predictions, for example a probability of drought in a given area.
In this regard, report prepared by the Polish Economic Institute is especially interesting. It reads, among others, that PLN 4.025 billion was the value of Polish user data for Google, and PLN 2.196 billion the value of data from Poland for Facebook in 2020.
During this session a representative of the Polish Economic Institute (PIE) will also elaborate on the intersection of human values in the Internet and rationale of platforms’ business models. According to PIE’s research, Polish internet users are willing to pay to limit companies’ access to their data – EUR 3,60 (PLN 17) per month for Facebook not to have access to data aggregated on the platform and from other sources, and around EUR 3.00 (PLN 14) per month for Google not to have access to our data, including activity on other portals. What’s more, 87% of PIE survey participants say technology companies know too much about us, and 84% believe technology companies’ activities should be subject to greater scrutiny. A different model of functioning of digital platforms is therefore not only possible, but also socially desirable, according to the Polish Economic Institute’s report “How much is our data worth?”.

Dutch Foundation ‘You are Your profile’ representative will talk over their growing research project with a focus on the importance of being able to control your own person data online.

Another ‘Katowice IGF Messages’ related theme that will be discussed by the Swiss government representative is digitalisation for the climate. Digitisation can provide tools and devices to combat and adapt to climate change, for example by using digital technologies to help assess the consequences of actions already taken and to develop new ones. Areas of beneficial application of digitisation include environmental data, food and water systems and the circular economy.

The United Kingdom Government representative will share some important views on the Internet governance from the perspective of data protection.


Thematic workshop

Presentations followed by a Q&A.

Further reading


  • Representative of the Swiss Government – Ambassador Thomas Schneider, Head of International Relations Service and Vice-Director at the Swiss Federal Office of Communications (OFCOM) in the Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications (DETEC), onsite
  • Representative of UK Government – Nigel Hickson, Head of Internet Governance at Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS), onsite
  • Representative of the UN IGF – Anja Gengo, IGF Secretariat, Associate Programme Expert, onsite
  • Representative of Academia – Ignacy Święcicki – Digital Economy Team Leader, Polish Economic Institute, online
  • Representative of NGO – Jake Blok, Wish Will Way Foundation in cooperation with You are Your profile Foundation and Digital Rights House Foundation, the Netherlands, onsite


  • Michał Pukaluk – Director, Digital Policy Department, Chancellery of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland, onsite