Intergenerational dialogue 02 2024
19 June 2024 | 14:30 - 15:00 EEST | Auditorium | |
Consolidated programme 2024
Intergenerational dialogue on Artificial Intelligence
The increasing demand for young people to be recognised as stakeholders requires empowering youth in Internet Governance. This involves integrating younger topics, concerns, and perspectives that were previously underrepresented in such settings. To facilitate this inclusivity, a series of Intergenerational Dialogues brings together senior EuroDIG attendees, along with former and current YOUthDIG participants, providing an open and comprehensive platform to present youths' impressions on Internet Governance and discuss the Youth Messages.
Session description
This dialogue aims to bridge the gap between generations, fostering mutual understanding and collaborative efforts. During the session, youth participants (18-30 years of age) will reflect on the day's agenda and continue to raise pressing issues in a Fireside Chat format together with senior experts in Internet-related policymaking and diplomacy.
The Intergenerational Dialogue on 19 June will focus on Artificial Intelligence, its ethical implications, rapidly evolving technologies, as well as the future of the network and sustainability. Participants will engage in thought-provoking discussions on how AI is transforming various sectors, the ethical considerations it entails, and the steps needed to ensure a beneficial common digital future. The session aims to inspire innovative thinking and collaborative solutions to the challenges posed by current technological advancements.
During the 30-minute session, members of the YOUthDIG cohort will engage in discussion with senior policymakers about their vision for the future of the Internet, including their reflections on the day's agenda, a Fireside Chat with high-level speakers, and a Q&A session.
Further reading
Links to relevant websites, declarations, books, documents. Please note we cannot offer web space, so only links to external resources are possible. Example for an external link: Main page of EuroDIG
Programme Committee member(s)
- Vlad Ivanets
- Riccardo Nanni
The Programme Committee supports the programme planning process throughout the year and works closely with the Secretariat. Members of the committee give advice on the topics, cluster the proposals and assist session organisers in their work. They also ensure that session principles are followed and monitor the complete programme to avoid repetition.
Focal Point
- Nadia Tjahja, YOUthDIG
Key Participants
- Hon. Gennaro Migliore, Director and Board Member of the PAM Centre for Global Studies
- Riccardo Nanni
Video record
Disclaimer: This is not an official record of the session but provided for convenience only. The following transcript is automatically generated by the zoom recording function. Timestamps were removed, else the text is presented in it’s original format, as provided by the zoom system (e.g. including any spelling mistakes). The accuracy of the transcript is not guaranteed.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: Okay, guys, we need to start now. We are almost reached the finish line, but still something to do. 2 notifications.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: I can't see now, Cur code, but you still can leave us reviews. And the other notification is that, yeah, you already seen the photos from this event.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: Great cause. Yeah. Every day the photos are updated so you can find yourself on flicker official your clicker. So do it. And now let's continue the traditions. I want to invite the moderator of a session, Ricardo Nani, to present the reflection of a day from Yuvic perspective.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: Thank you, and thank you all for coming on the very last day afternoon right after lunch. Thank you for your participation. This is the last intergenerational dialogue for this year's euro dig. Thanks again to Nadia Taya and Vladivanets for organizing this new type of session with me.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: Today the youth, the youth participants are going to share their impressions on artificial intelligence, which was the topic of the day. So I'd like to invite the 2 youth volunteers, Mariam Judd, Hava and Joel Trocado. Thank you. Thank you for volunteering, please. You can take your seat here on the stage, and they will.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: Joan Maryam will interact with our distinguished key participant, honorable general, who are also invited on stage.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: Okay, so like yesterday, we will open with remarks from the youth participants, a response from the key discussions, and then we will open the floor to general reactions. Today we have half an hour. So we're going to try and finish around 3 o'clock. So without further ado, I'd like to leave the floor to our youth participants for their remarks.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: Hello! Can you hear me? Yeah.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: I'm Mariam. I'm from Georgia. I'm the eustic representative this year, and I have a huge responsibility to discuss my opinions about today's meetings, from a perspective of our youth.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: from keynotes to subtopics, workshops, and flashes. I have to say that my attention was targeted to find out more and get more and more information, and ask as many questions as I could. I pursue by medical engineering. And in our field, AI is really important and gets more and more innovation and focusing on regulation and innovation is really important in my profession, too.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: And I wanted to say that, like throughout my touch with AI, I was always targeted like triggered by the idea that AI and human beings have the same kind of conception biases. We tend to seek, interpret the information, then remember this information, and then sometimes ignore the contrary evidence.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: and whenever we do that. We also build up some kind of biases in our mindset. This happens the same way with AI, too, we give their way. The data that sometimes causes extra biases, and sometimes it becomes discriminative. And this causes privacy issues as well as discrimination. In AI.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: The security issues. People don't feel safe whenever they use AI that have biases.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: So I wanted to say that from youth perspective, it would be amazing to have more education and awareness. And we believe that if humans can get over and break their conception biases, the same can be happening with AI. So I also wanted to highlight that the recent adoption of the console of your framework convention is amazing. And
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: putting the democracy and human rights values into AI is really important. And we actually, during the Usig kind of touched some great aspects connected to AI and Border control and AI data as well as techno solutions.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: So and also during erdog, we also touched the intersection of technology and sustainability today. And it was amazing to hear more about how we can minimize E-ways and maximalize the energy efficiency in this field. And to conclude, I wanted to say that putting the standards and ethical considerations while we speak about AI is
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: really important, and I really appreciate the opportunity from aerodynamic to have this safe space to talk about these stuff. Thank you.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: Hello, everyone. I'm Joel. I'm from Portugal and from youth, and I want to start by thanking the opportunity to be here to share the stage with Mariam and Gennaro, and to share my experience in thoughts so far on this day. So the main topic of the day was AI artificial intelligence. And when I think everyone in this room agrees with me when I say, this is a conversation of today. This is a conversation of tomorrow, and it certainly has time to stay.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: So there are a lot of risks and issues that need to be taken into account when we talk about AI. And I like to highlight something that I think is really interesting, and that I noticed today, which is how we prioritize them.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: So earlier today, there was a mentimeter screen right behind me which ranked AI risks, and the top results were misinformation and disinformation risks of bias in results and data privacy expected.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: I say this because within my local community in opposition to the people in this room, which are experts or interested people in AI and technology. The only preoccupation that I hear is the jobs that AI will take and replace. So I think it's important to link this to education and the importance that education has on this
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: AI evolution. And we actually have a youth big message about this which is to promote education in formal and informal settings, and add AI tools and risks to school curricula. So I think, as Mariam also said, that education is a priority for us. And it really has a place in the technology evolution that we see today.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: So after that, we also discussed detecting AI mostly on the text generation context. But I would like to bring attention to deep fix.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: which are a growing danger both on democracies and on individual person wellbeing. So we all know that AI is getting stronger, more powerful and content. Generation is becoming more realistic. So shouldn't we use the same powerful technology to detect AI as we used to create it. And I refer to the videos, the photos, all the content, harmful content that we see on social media. And unfortunately, millions of pictures every day are created using these for bad reasons.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: Moving on to another dimension. We also reflect. So today on inclusivity. And I do agree that it is important not to let AI aggravate social inequalities between countries especially developed and developing countries.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: So for that we recommend Lm. Large language models to be trained on different languages to ensure equal access to information and knowledge. So, to sum it up, AI is the future and the present, and we have the responsibility to make it a healthy tool for the
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: a healthy tool that will drive humanity forward. So there is no doubt that AI will change the world. Let's just hope it is for better. Thank you.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: Thank you, Marie Manjiao. Now I'd like to leave the floor to Honorable Generaliore for his comments and views on the youth participant's remarks. Thank you.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: Hello, everybody. Good afternoon. Really, Ricardo, we have only half an hour to answer to all these questions, because, you know.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: 1st of all thanks for the invitation, and I want to underline that. It's very important, this intergenerational
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: dialogue, because I imagine that also in my organization that is the parliamentary assembly of Mediterranean, and in all the parliamentary assembly we have to implement this kind of activities and thanks also for comments that you have in this moment Mariam and Angelo, in the comment.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: In the framework of this day I want to start from the key point that you have underlined, especially
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: the educational one.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: I want to refer to a very recent book in the Tech World. This not so recent, but is only one year ago that was made by Mustafa Suleiman, the founder of deep mind.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: that his name is the Wave.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: Why I want to start from that, because, for example, it will be a good textbook
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: because he stressed the necessity to have an holistic approach
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: to the new era.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: This is the key point, because it's impossible in this moment
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: to select and to have comparts to understand what happens all around us.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: especially, for example, you have to relate it, and in the debate, in the very inside the debate. It was done. What happens in robotics, but also what happens in the incident that can happens with leak from laboratory, and that can made some disaster. For example, a pandemic.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: and, as you know, we have, for example, some some weeks ago, a study that revealed that it is possible only to have the information on
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: the statistical approach and on the the reports, the medical reports of the beginning of the last century to reproduce
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: the Spanish virus that killed the millions of people
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: only acting with artificial intelligence. Rebuilding of this in vitro, in this kind of virus. That's that means that the education is very important and key points. But
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: what happens
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: if we want to apply this kind of education to the misinformation and this information? That's a very good good idea that we have to understand, because it's not enough.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: I'm of course, agree when we discuss about
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: and the stakeholders that have to be the the banking. But it's not enough.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: because this information already exists
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: for a long time.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: But now the problem is the engineering of this information.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: and also the problem, is not only as to detect the fake news. It's important, of course.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: but as in the previous speech.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: we knows that it's very difficult to apply some rules in the countries in democratic countries
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: that can overlap misinformation and free of speech.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: That is a very key point in in our democratic countries, because something else. But maybe I can speak about it later. Use the democratic situation to destabilize our countries through misinformation. But
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: most important is to know that you can detect one single, the fake. One single fake news, and you can eat directly. But if you have a swarm
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: of fake news based on the organization of artificial intelligence, is like to fight against this warm of bees
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: with a stick. It's impossible to defend us, especially because and that is the problem for the private sector.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: The private sector is, build
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: on a bubble system, and you in your bubble are in contact with the people that think
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: like you. But mostly.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: and most of this interaction are not with real people.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: These bubbles can be made by both and can be. Assume that this viral.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: this alternative truth, is not new fake information. It's an alternative truth
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: can influence, as we saw in several electoral campaigns, and not only because also, for example, for COVID-19, it was a very strong
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: abuse of this kind of system, the bubble system of all social media
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: main influence, part very important part of
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: our society.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: Thank you.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: Miriam, how would you like to react?
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: Thank you. So I think Janato touched many points. One of them and I will comment on this is that technology is not per se, good or bad. So it depends on the hands that are using technology. And what is the outcome of those actions you mentioned, the virus production, like the the reproduction of the virus that is really concerning. And of course, that
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: when we have technologies that are getting more intelligence and more evolved, we can actually develop bigger risks for humanity. But at the same time we can say this for every technology that ever existed.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: When we invented the computer, the electricity, the Internet, there were always risks. So that is why we need legislation. That is why we also have things in place here today. The framework, the ui the EU AI act. Even. Grpd, I don't know the order of those letters in English story.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: Yeah, we do have lots of things. We will never be able to tackle all those problems with legislation. And that's why we have the police. But it is indeed really concerning that those things are possible, and maybe the responsibility is on the generating side, like we have to
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: to legislate and regulate the technologies that create those type of things to inhibit it from generating that, in the 1st place, and not just fight the spread of that like we have in social media with fake news and not only harmful contents. So there's responsibility both on the part that is created on the part that is shared on the people that create that with education, as we mentioned earlier. So that's it.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: I can also add that during our discussions with youstic fillos we were also talking about a lot about misinformation and misinformation and deep fakes, one of the solutions that we had was to implement AI that would detect deep fakes and disinformation and misinformation.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: It's extremely difficult to build this kind of AI to detect this kind of information, but we were thinking about it. So the idea always, not always, but could build the big product that could actually help
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: our civilizations to work against AI, not AI, but like the deep fakes and the product that could be harmful for our society. Also, I wanted to remark. One thing that I should call you Johnny, Johnny said. He mentioned the language models, and I believe that building AI in different languages and language models
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: could help actually to use AI responsibly. And in the cases of viruses and healthcare it would be really amazing to have different languages in AI, provided so there would be like more accessibility toward that and more inclusivity and understanding of AI.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: Thanks.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: And how would you like to react? Yeah.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: yes, of course, we we need more languages, but I guess that is a very simple approach to for the for build the AI in this moment, because the different languages can be involved as
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: the base of the AI. I want to react to something that you both mentioned about the necessity of laws. 1st of all, I want to be clear.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: really encourage the development of science and technology. And I was graduating in theoretical physics. And so also my background is related to that. But in this moment we need a kind of new laws that can be flexible. For example, it's very important to the EU AI act, of course.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: but there are some criticism about their rigid implementation, and that can be difficult to implement because you have to translate this AI act also
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: in national legislation. And also you don't have this kind of legislation to prevent the developing of new technologies in the European region in front of some countries that have some strict rules.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: But in any case I want to stress think about it. You mentioned the importance of this regulation from the State.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: of course.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: and the private public dialogue. It's very important.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: But I want to to point out
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: and to think about
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: how many money.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: Which is the part of the budget of the big tech
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: to implement this kind of regulation and self regulation.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: because it's easy to to talk
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: in the conferences.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: But we want to know how many money they spent to apply this kind of self-regulation, because there is another kind of research that is not only the research of developing.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: but also a research to understand what happens. That's why, with our think Tank, we are collaborating with the Security Council of United Nation, with Interpol on the malicious use of Artificial Intelligence. Because there is
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: an elephant in the room.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: and the elephant is the state actors, the crime actors, and the terrorist actors that use directly artificial intelligence to destabilize or
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: attacking our security. We need this kind of new legislation that can be useful, and that can be appropriate to address these kind of threats, but without
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: make. Many make low intensity in the developing of these intelligence in this this kind of developed technology that helps also the AI digital divide with other countries, because the
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: Europe is a key
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: to develop this kind and to share these kind, not only of regulation, but also of new technologies.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: Thank you. Now, I'd like to open the floor to the audience for questions and remarks, please.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: Hi, Hello!
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: So I have a question which is.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: oh, yes.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: introductions. First, st
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: I'm Alan Creo. Well, I'm like, I do research on AI, etc. And
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: one of the things that I'm like very interested about is like the detection of AI generated content in general.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: which is a very hard issue.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: like it's really hard to attack generated content. We talked a little bit about that before
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: the problem, and I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts on that is that
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: it's so complicated that, like, I mean, like literally, researchers have
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: demonstrated that it's going to be like literally impossible to attack that in the future there's papers on that. So if it's going to be impossible to attack when something has been generated.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: get like.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: how can we approach this? And I have one idea. Maybe we should try to focus
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: on detecting when some information is
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: calls. So like, if I read like a news article. Maybe I don't care so much about. Did Chat Gbt write this thing, but rather is the things that are written here. True, so should we shift the focus to fact, checking instead of checking if something has been generated or not, because, honestly, I don't care if Chat Gbt wrote something as long as it's true, and I could have like, if I want to put fake news out there. I don't necessarily need chat. Gb, I can just pay like a lot of
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: people on the Internet to write fake things. So should this focus be like just shifted a little bit towards detection of
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: well fake news yourself. Thank you. I saw there was another 100 which I think is connected, and then we cut the queue and get back to our to our speakers. Thank you very much. My name is Andrea from Portugal. I'm from technical communities. And I do a lot of AI things as well.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: 1st microphone that I've seen that looks like this. But side note, okay, we've talked during all of this events, and some of the things stuck with me. One of the things is about fake news.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: So we're going to have fake news. This is not new, you know. 50 years ago we had fake news. Oh, the earth is flat, but no one believed it because it was absurd.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: The problem is that nowadays we have those kind of fake news. There are actual people, thousands of people that believe that the earth is flat. This makes no sense. There are scientific proof that proves that this
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: makes no sense whatsoever. Okay. You know, there might be theories, while we might think, okay, there's no good scientific proof to prove this, you can be uncertain. But these are not the cases. So when you handle things that are more social, such as opinions and subjective things, it becomes even more difficult to be able to prove if things are real or fake.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: One of the biggest problems we have is that Facebook, Tiktok, and any others will sponsor kind of sponsored the Alwidmo sponsor information not based on. If it is true or false, but based on how many likes will it get? How many advertising will it make us money? And the algorithm, for instance, for Facebook, for instance, will propagate content, which is completely irrelevant and false.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: And I don't mean funny things. Funny things are Ok made up things. They are Ok. I mean real news, or at least news that are supposed to be real. But in reality they have some fake parts
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: that disrupt elections disrupt pandemic, as you mentioned, and many other things. So that is the biggest problem. But when you came to think of it, 30 years ago there was no Internet, and you had let's say the village drunk, the village drunk would say things, and they would say, Oh, the earth is flat. Everyone would laugh and everyone wouldn't ignore it. It doesn't leave the coffee shop. It stays there. Then, when you leave, you get back to reality. The problem is that nowadays that reality
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: is all around. That village idiot is actually now the person who was able to share news and places like Facebook. They are actually sharing that news as primary content and disproving that content is not as well shared.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: Let me give you one last example, which is, if you go to Facebook. This was discussed in a previous session. If you go to Facebook, there are fact checkers in my country. There are 2 fact checkers. They are both from newspapers or media companies. They are considered the biggest source of fake news or manipulation in my country, but they were selected as the fact checkers.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: So most of the times. It's wrong. I go to Facebook, and I've seen in my case some examples, but some other examples of fake news
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: or rejected content with something as simple as Thank you. That gets rejected. A simple message that says, Thank you gets rejected as insulting, attacking, or something like that. So it's not about the technology. It's about us. We are the ones that train the technology. If we as humans, we treat it 3 min, we have 3 min left for the
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: the remarks from the speakers. But thanks a lot for your point now, with 1 min each. Would you like to give final remarks?
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: So I feel like there are too many points in the air, so I'll just try to revisit each one of them for what you said, Janaro. I think you just summed up the topic of this conference regulation versus innovation. There's pretty much what's that? And the topic that we're talking about in the last few days, then about the the defect detection that we were.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: We got a question from from there. I think it's a constant race between, like the the tools that build and generate the contents and the tools that detect them, it will be impossible, and I think that when one side will eventually win like, it's an exponential growing. So at some point we will stop having ways of detecting. If a content is or not generated with AI.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: I think with text that this is fine. We can just go on social media or link in a new chat, gpt to write wherever we want. So yes, I do agree with you that we should try to prevent harmful contents, such as misinformation. But not only that should be the focus, because at some point it will be impossible to prevent and detect those things.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: Yeah, actually have a small remark to that comment in question. Actually, I wouldn't say that I don't care about if the tax is generated by AI or not, because if you use it for, like the actual professional article or the newspaper article, it's kind of difficult, then, to identify who who owns the credentials, for who is like the copyright
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: is really important there, too. And you can just say it's made like it's written by AI in the credentials. So I don't agree that fully. But you can totally use that for Linkedin process, Johnny said.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: For credentials and copyrights. It became really complicated, and we actually also discarded that during the usage.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: thank you for suggestions. I fully agree with you. I come back to the the beginning because education, not education on AI. Education in general is the only way that we have. To have a critical thought.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: And that's why we need some kind of activities, but not studies alone. No, because some people can
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: study on fake news and fake fake textbooks. But I'm joking. We need this kind of, as you mentioned the new thinking about how to prevent and how to address the spread of. I talked before about it.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: because in my political experience, when I was Deputy Minister of Justice or Member of Parliament. I called that this kind of misinformation propaganda. It was every time present in our life, but we now we have to point out that we can't have the same aptitude that we have with the over the top, the big tech
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: with the social media. We knows the lesson. And now this dialogue can be really implemented by new laws that prevent that, only the business guide their decision, because if in X it's impossible to have any kind of moderation.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: It's not doesn't matter. If you make a contact with AI or by some people, you have only to prevent that. This kind of misinformation. This information appear. Thank you.
Auditorium, EuroDIG 2024: Thank you. To our speakers, Mariam, Joao, and Gennaro. And now we leave the floor for the final very final session. The discussion of messages.