IoT and Core Internet values Dynamic Coalition – Internet successes and failures to support a world living under COVID19 lockdown – Pre 07 2020
10 June 2020 | 18:30-20:00 (UTC+2 / CEST) | Studio Berlin | |
Consolidated programme 2020 overview / Day 0
The Dynamic Coalitions on Internet of Things and Core Internet Values are holding an online roundtable discussion on day zero of EuroDIG to discuss characteristics of the current Internet, its successes and failures to support a World living under COVID19 lockdown.
Session description
Internet of Things / Core Internet Values – what characteristics of IoT Good Practice and Core Internet Values have contributed to the success of the Internet and IoT to support a world living under Covid19 lockdown?
Has the Covid19 Pandemic triggered the need to change IoT Good Practices or Core Internet Values because of the paradigm shift that it has caused in the world?
In parallel with the Pandemic, this year has seen the proposal for New Internet 2030 in the New IP group at the ITU. This proposal includes a replacement of most, if not all Core Internet Values, with a new model for the Internet's underlying transport layer, plus all of the Governance Model that the Internet relies on.
Why should this model be, or not be embraced, in the context of Internet of Things Devices, and of Core Internet Values?
Joint Roundtable discussion of the Dynamic Coalition on Internet of Things (DC-IoT) and Dynamic Coalition on Core Internet Values (DC-CIV)
Provisional Agenda
1. Introduction and welcome from co-moderators (5 minutes)
2. Is the Internet fit for purpose in 2020? (20 minutes)
Based on the Internet's performance in a time of Global Emergency, has the Internet as it currently exists in its many global and local forms, been up to the challenge?
3. Is the Internet ready for the services it will be solicited to support in 2030? (20 minutes)
What are the meta-developments underway that are now shaping the evolution of network architectures and services. The "New IP" Proposal proposes a more modern technical alternative supporting better IoT, 5G, etc. What about the Internet's governing model?
4. Reaction from panellists to points made by other panellists / discussion. (20 minutes)
5. Opening the floor for participants to express their comments or ask questions (20 minutes)
6. Summing up (Co-moderators, 5 minutes)
Further reading
Dynamic Coalitions
- Core Internet Values, a working paper 2016 listing these as defined in the IGF context.
- Internet Invariants from the Internet Society
- DC IoT Good Practice Paper
- DC Internet of Things Related Links
Reference Position papers
- Towards a New Internet for the Year 2030 and Beyond, Huawei proposal at ITU-T SG13
- Internet Society Discussion Paper on New IP Proposals
- RIPE NCC Paper on New IP Proposals
Articles on CircleID:
- WTSA-2020: Reflecting on a Contemporary ITU-T Role, Anthony Rutkowsky on CircleID
- The Untold History of the First Cyber Moonshot, Anthory Rutkowsky on CircleID
- A Short History of Internet Protocol Intellectual Property, Anthony Rutkowski on CircleID
- Understanding 5G: A Basic Primer, Anthony Rutkowski on CircleID
- International Pandemic Contact Tracing Standards Group Formed, Anthony Rutkowski on CircleID
- Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond - DC CIV
- Shane Tews - DC IoT
Key participants:
- Paul Blaker – Head of Global Internet Governance, DCMS UK Government - confirmed
- Vint Cerf – Chief Internet Evangelist, Google - confirmed
- David Conrad – Chief Technical Officer, ICANN - confirmed
- John Grant – Chair of Non IP Networking ISG, ETSI - confirmed File:John Grant.pdf
- Marco Hogewoning – Senior External Relations Officer, RIPE NCC - confirmed
- Olaf Kolkman – Principal, Internet technology, Policy and Advocacy, Internet Society - confirmed
- Anthony Rutkowski – Principal, Netmagic Associates LLC - confirmed File:Tony Rutkowski.pdf