Leveraging AI – YOUthDIG 01 2023
17 June 2023 | 14:00 - 16:00 EEST
YOUthDIG 2023 Main programme
Are you curious about the power of Artificial Intelligence and its impact on our lives? Want to explore the cutting-edge world of ChatGPT and other AI tools? Look no further!
In this dynamic session, we'll dive into the fascinating realm of AI, where we'll uncover the endless possibilities and discuss how it can shape our future. Discover how AI Tools have evolved and how they enhance our daily lives, from virtual assistants to smart devices. Bring your laptops or electronic devices along to try some of these tools in the process!
Interactive session - Workshop
Further reading
1) There's an AI for that | Futurepedia - AI aggregators
2) Leveraging AI tools to develop the writer rather than the writing
3) Zhuo, Terry Yue, et al. "Exploring ai ethics of chatgpt: A diagnostic analysis." arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.12867 (2023).
4) White, Jules, et al. "prompt pattern catalog to enhance prompt engineering with chatgpt." arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.11382 (2023).
5) Haleem, Abid, Mohd Javaid, and Ravi Pratap Singh. "An era of ChatGPT as a significant futuristic support tool: A study on features, abilities, and challenges." BenchCouncil transactions on benchmarks, standards and evaluations 2.4 (2022): 100089.
Focal Points
- João Rocha Gomes