Media in the digital age – PL 01 2015

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4 June 2015 | 11:30-13:00
Programme overview 2015

Session teaser

The session will explore the new media developments with a particular focus on public service media value and the new types of journalism in the digital age.

Session description

The challenges for the media will be analysed from the perspective of human rights with a particular emphasis on freedom of expression. Does technological innovation promote such values or just provide multiple distribution channels and platforms? Are public broadcasting values and distinctive content still needed or demanded by broader audiences (or just by a 50plus generation)? Media are inherently related to the system of basic rights in modern society and particularly to freedom of expression. Nowadays freedom of the media comprises not only the freedom of traditional media but also Internet freedom and the freedom of new services and platforms. Are public service media a phase-out model or can underline its continued relevance for open and democratic societies?


Media and Internet freedom, New forms of journalism, Public service media, Creativity and creative industries, Innovation, Big data and media, Hybrid TV, Public service media and Public service value in the digital age, Public involvement, blogs, participation and protests.


After short introductions by some keynotes, there will be an interactive discussion with the audience, including some more discussants from stakeholder groups and from the audience. Please note, at EuroDIG everybody has a speaking right and nobody should feel excluded by not being listed as a speaker. It is actually the intention of and best practice at EuroDIG to provide greater attention to the audience and not to focus on the speakers on stage only.

Further reading

Deadline 30. April 2015


  • Focal Point: Bissera Zankova with the assistance of the Bulgarian Ministry of Transport, IT and Communications and the EBU
  • Key speakers
    • Ross LaJeunesse, Google - BUSINESS
    • Dr. Lizzie Jackson, Ravensbourne College - ACADEMIA
    • Yrjo Länsipuro, ISOC Finland and former Journalist, TECHNICAL COMMUNITY
    • Roberto Suarez Candel, EBU Head of MIS - MEDIA
    • Assen Yordanov, new media Journalist, CIVIL SOCIETY
  • Discussants
    • Elvana Thaci, Council of Europe and Evgenios Nastos, CDMSI
    • Dr. Ruzha Smilova, Centre for Liberal Strategies, Bulgaria, ACADEMIA
    • Garegin Chookgaszian, IT Foundation, Armenia, CIVIL SOCIETY
    • youth representative [tbc]
  • Moderator: Matthias Traimer, Austrian Federal Chancellery
  • Remote moderator: Lorena Jaume-Palasí, EuroDIG
  • Org team:
    • Juliana Toncheva, Head of International Relations, Projects and Programs, Bulgarian National Television
    • Emir Povlakic, CDMSI
    • Anelia Dimova, MTITC
    • Giacomo Mazzone, EBU
    • Albena Milanova,Director International Cooperation, Bulgarian National Radio
    • Milen Mitev, Senior Legal Adviser, Bulgarian National Radio
    • Desislava Preobrajenska, Bulgarian National Television consultant - legal affairs
    • Dobrina Cheshmedjieva, Bulgarian National Television Chief producer - "News"
    • Daniel Chipev Bulgarian National Television "News & Current affairs" Director
    • Evgenios Nastos, CDMSI
    • Yrjö Länsipuro, Finland
    • Iliana Franklin, Mediaframestudio, LTD, creative director, UK
    • Lizzie Jackson, Professor of Interactive Media and Head of Research, Ravensbourne,
    • Maho Takahata, Google
  • Reporter: (deadline 15. Mai 2015)

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