Open Research Data and Data ownership – YOUthDIG 08 2023
20 June 2023 | 09:00 - 09:50 EEST
YOUthDIG 2023 Main programme
The session, led by Maarten Botterman, Director on the ICANN Board, will delve into the intricacies and obstacles surrounding data management and ownership. During the discussion, the speaker will highlight the significance of Open Research Data and Data Ownership within the context of Open Science and FAIR data principles. Additionally, the session will touch upon the relevance of Open Source and its relationship to AI, including aspects such as algorithm training and data biases.
Lecture, open discussion
Further reading
Focal Point: Edgar Brutyan
Speaker: Maarten Botterman, Director on the ICANN Board and an Independent Policy Advisor on issues relating to the Global Networked Knowledge Society.