Open standards, open source

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No Name Affil./Org. SH-group Topic and sub-issues Description Remarks
6 Frederic Donck Internet Society ISOC, Europe Technical Community Open standards and governance
1. Open Standards & Public Policy/Governance
2. Privacy & Data Protection
3. Privacy And Mass Surveillance
4. Local Content And Copyright
5. Net Neutrality
6. Privacy And New Business Models

11 Gry Hasselbalch Lapenta The Thinktank Digital Youth, Denmark Youth When the public sphere became private -- What kind of public democratic sphere do we aim for? How has it evolved? How are rights limited? And responsibilities expanded?
The public sphere is evolving into a predominantly privately owned and commercial space. Young people are learning and interacting in a public sphere where “public” rules and rights to a certain extend are limited or do not apply. Two recent surveys conducted by the Danish thinktank Digital Youth in 2013 ( illustrate how social media today have become the infrastructure of young people’s social everyday lives. They also perceive social media profiles as an inseparate extension of themselves into this new type of public sphere and they generally accept that in order to be part of the public social sphere, they must consent to give up their right to further use of their data.
19 Sivasubramanian Muthusamy Internet Society India Chennai Technical community Europe for Free and Open Internet On the Theme: Role of Europe as a continent of people who value Liberty, Equality and Oneness in leading the rest of the World to embrace policies that would keep the Internet free and open. A specific proposal: EuroDig 2014 could examine the effect of Europe\'s policies and positions on Nations outside Europe. What are the good and bad examples of Europe\'s policy positions concerning the Internet?
63 Annnette Mühlberg Ver.di and FifF Civil society Public IT infrastructure - common welfare and services for the public in the digital society There are various public services and infrastructures run by communalities, cities and the like. We observe tendencies to outsource such services in public hand so far. But substantial questions of oversight and control of such services and infrastructures – once outsourced – are neglected and open standards are not granted any more. There should be a basic principle that services and infrastructures paid by the public need to be controlled by the public (Öffentliche Daseinsvorsorge).