Talk:Connecting the Unconnected: Enabling Rural Connectivity and Empowering Access – Flash 02 2024

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Roberto Gaetano via Access-Flash_2024 <> 30 April 2024 to Karen,

Dear all,

Thanks Karen for having taken the initiative.

Late evening over here, after a long day, so I will just give some first comments.

On first reading, to focus to “rural areas” sounded like a limit: there are many other situations in which we have underserved or under connected communities. However, we need to start from somewhere, and in the limited time that we have we cannot cover all situations.

The teaser and description are fine - although we better define the details of the content beforehand.

I am OK with the structure. We would not have the time - and it would not make sense anyway - to have more than two speakers. My suggestion would be to have two different roles rather than a debate between two different approaches - specifically, one speaker addressing the technology, the other speaker presenting a successful solution that has actually improved the situation in a rural (underserved) situation. I would avoid having once more the explanation that there are better and poorer served communities: people who in 2024 have not yet appreciated this aspect are not going to attend this session anyway.

We need to check with the Secretariat, but I believe that flash sessions do not have interaction with the audience, but I believe that to reserve a few minutes at the end of the session for possible Q (and A, of course) would be a good addition. In case of no Q we could still have a final comment by the speakers.

Cheers, Roberto

On 29.04.2024, at 09:36, Karen Mulberry via Access-Flash_2024 <> wrote:

Dear Org Members,

I have drafted a concept note for the Flash session for your review and comment for this Flash Session on Access.

EuroDIG 2024 Flash Session 02 – Access Wiki page:

Proposed Session Title: Connecting the Unconnected: Enabling Rural Connectivity and Empowering Access

Date: Tuesday, 18 June 2024 Time: 11:30 - 12:15 EEST Location: Vilnius University, Workshop Room 2 and Remote

Session Teaser:

This session will discuss the multifaceted challenges of network access and rural connectivity, noting the disparity between urban and rural connectivity and its implications on a communities development. The discussion will provide examples on how innovative technologies are being used to address rural connectivity and access challenges thus contributing to bridging the digital divide for the unconnected and under connected areas.

Session Description:

This session highlights the critical gap in access and connectivity faced by rural communities worldwide. It emphasizes the importance of digital connectivity and access in rural connectivity and the importance of exploration of new technologies in the context of rural settings.

The discussion delves into the multifaceted challenges of rural connectivity, including geographical barriers, lack of infrastructure, population density, and the non-viability of traditional telecommunication solutions. It explores how these challenges contribute to a 'digital divide,' leaving rural populations at a disadvantage. Drawing on examples and the application of technical standards for technology-driven approaches such as the feasibility of broadband network solutions will show the potential for transformative change that will enable broadband connectivity in rural areas.

Session Format: The format of this session is a panel with two speakers and a moderator.

Please review and provide your comments to the list. The Focal Point for the session will schedule a call where we can review and finalize the session details and format.

Regards, Karen -- Karen (KNM) Mulberry Senior Manager, Public Affairs +1 303-668-8855 |