Talk:Innovation and ethical implication – TOPIC 03 Sub 01 2024
As members of the Org Team, you play a crucial role in shaping our session.
Your responsibilities until 21st May include agreeing on:
- Session title
- Session description
- Session format
- Key participants
- Moderator
For our session on June 19 from 10:30 to 11:30, which will be a panel discussion, I, as Focal Point, have drafted some initial information:
Session teaser
Do you have any suggestions for the drafted teaser?
As Europe embraces artificial intelligence (AI) and other emerging technologies, ethical considerations become increasingly crucial. This session delves into the ethical implications of AI, machine learning, and related technologies, exploring issues such as bias in algorithms, privacy concerns, and their impact on human rights.
Session description (TBD)
Do you have any suggestions for the drafted Session description?
This session invites participants to engage in discussions on advancing digital freedoms and ethical technology in Europe at the upcoming EuroDIG meeting. As Europe embraces artificial intelligence (AI) and other emerging technologies, ethical considerations become increasingly crucial. The aim of this session is to address critical issues at the intersection of technology, human rights, and societal well-being, focusing on four key dimensions:
- Freedom of Expression and Safety of Journalists Online: In today's digital era, protecting freedom of expression and ensuring the safety of journalists online are paramount. This session will explore strategies to safeguard journalistic integrity and combat online censorship.
- Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights: With the increasing adoption of AI and emerging technologies, ethical considerations are essential. This session will examine the ethical implications of AI, including algorithmic bias, privacy concerns, and potential impacts on human rights, advocating for responsible AI frameworks.
- Combatting Disinformation, Hate Speech, and Historical Distortion: The proliferation of disinformation and hate speech poses significant challenges to democratic discourse. This session will explore strategies to combat these phenomena while promoting access to accurate information and preserving historical truths.
- Non-Traditional Media and Media Literacy: As digital technologies evolve, media landscapes are rapidly changing. This session will highlight advances in digital technologies, promote media literacy initiatives, and discuss the role of non-traditional media in shaping public discourse.
Additionally, this session emphasizes the need to address ethical considerations in artificial intelligence and emerging technologies. As Europe's tech ecosystem evolves, EuroDIG can play a vital role in fostering innovation, supporting startups, and ensuring ethical tech practices. Prioritizing areas such as AI, data strategy implementation, pan-European innovation ecosystems, regulation of excessive platform power, and innovation support can contribute to a sustainable and inclusive tech ecosystem in Europe.
Join us at EuroDIG to participate in these important discussions and help shape the future of digital freedoms and ethical technology in Europe.
Format (TBD)
Do you have any suggestions for the drafted Session format?
Option 1:
(Virtual worlds, but real risks: navigating metaverses as a next generation of digital platforms – TOPIC 03 Sub 01 2023 - EuroDIG Wiki)
To ensure an interactive format of the session, at the beginning, a poll will be used to ask online and onsite participants to share their opinion on what threats could be observed in metaverses. Then, based on their answers, key participants will share 3-minute insights on the topic from their fields of expertise. This would lead to a further, more informed debate between the audience and key participants, including an exchange of comments and Q&A.
Option 2:
Session Overview:
- Freedom of Expression and Safety of Journalists Online (14 minutes):
- Overview of the importance of protecting freedom of expression and ensuring online safety for journalists.
- Presentation of strategies to safeguard journalistic integrity and combat online censorship.
- Panel discussion with experts on challenges and solutions in this area.
- Audience Q&A segment.
- Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights (14 minutes):
- Exploration of the ethical implications of AI adoption, including algorithmic bias and privacy concerns.
- Advocacy for responsible AI frameworks to protect human rights.
- Panel discussion on the intersection of AI and human rights.
- Audience Q&A segment.
- Combatting Disinformation, Hate Speech, and Historical Distortion (14 minutes):
- Discussion on the challenges posed by disinformation and hate speech to democratic discourse.
- Presentation of strategies to combat these phenomena while promoting access to accurate information.
- Emphasis on preserving historical truths in the digital age.
- Panel discussion on effective approaches to combatting disinformation.
- Audience Q&A segment.
- Non-Traditional Media and Media Literacy (13 minutes):
- Highlighting advances in digital technologies and their impact on media landscapes.
- Promotion of media literacy initiatives to navigate evolving media environments.
- Discussion on the role of non-traditional media in shaping public discourse.
- Panel discussion on the importance of media literacy in the digital age.
- Audience Q&A segment.
- Wrap-Up and Closing Remarks (5 minutes):
- Summary of key insights from each discussion segment.
Option 3:
Session Format:
- Introduction (5 minutes):
- Overview of the session objectives and introduction of panelists.
- Brief explanation of the four key dimensions of the discussion.
- Panel Discussion (40 minutes):
- Each panelist presents insights and perspectives on their assigned dimension.
- Moderated discussion among panelists exploring key issues, challenges, and opportunities.
- Opportunities for panelists to respond to each other's points and engage in cross-discussion.
- Audience Q&A (10 minutes):
- Open floor for audience members to ask questions to the panelists.
- Moderated by the session facilitator to ensure time efficiency and relevance.
- Panelists provide their responses and insights to audience questions.
- Closing Remarks (5 minutes):
- Summary of key points discussed during the panel.
- Call to action for continued collaboration and engagement on digital freedoms and ethical technology in Europe.
- Thank you to panelists for their contributions.
I would like to ask for your opinion and perhaps suggest another opinion for our panel discussion.
Key Participants
Do you have any suggestions for the key participants?
Do you have any suggestions for the moderator?