Wrap up 2017
7 June 2017 | 17:30 - 18:00 | Grand Ballroom, Swissotel, Tallinn, Estonia |
Programme overview 2017
Wrap up of EuroDIG 2017
- Wrap up of EuroDIG 2017
- Outlook to the IGF by Chengetai Masango
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This text is being provided in a rough draft format. Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) is provided in order to facilitate communication accessibility and may not be a totally verbatim record of the proceedings.
>> GERT AUVAART: I would like to invite to the stage the Secretary General of EuroDIG, Sandra Hoferichter, and also the President of the EuroDIG association. Where are you?
Perfect. I didn't see you. Sorry.
And before I -- Thomas Schneider I would also invite on the floor, please, Ambassador.
But before I give you the floor, I'd like to personally thank on behalf of the Government of Estonia, the 568 people who took badges over the course of the past three days, and everyone who participated remotely. Without all of you engaging in this dialog, it would not be possible. And we are very grateful and I take a bow to you. Thank you.
>> SANDRA HOFERICHTER: Thank you very much. And we would really like to do a short wrapup and would appreciate if you could stay in the room, because this is actually the moment to give kudos to those who were behind the organising of the Conference.
But two small agenda items we have still left. First we would like to ask the young people who prepared in the two pre-events, copyfighters and YOUthDIG, to come on stage and give messages from their preparation work. If you would like to start with the programme Copyfighters.
>> Thank you very much. So for those of you who have not noticed it yet, we have spent the three days before this conference with 25 amazing young people who have been working on the topic of copyright. And developed from the start where they thought about what actually the problems are that they experienced in their daily lives, towards a strong position on a range of matters, including territoriality. We want the European Union to take the lead in making the copyright legislation compatible to the Internet. And we think that this only works if we abolish territoriality. Therefore, we call on the European Union to introduce a single copyright title.
We have spoken about fair use. We think it is deeply necessary that we have harmonized rules for fair use, especially in the European Union but also other parts of the world, to enable everyday usage of the Internet and youth culture in general.
There are further points that we would like to discuss. Some of them are very specific. You can find out more on Copyfighters.EU, where we are presenting our position paper.
And, once again, I would like to thank our participants but also the organisers of EuroDIG for, yes, enabling to us to be here. And the other stakeholders involved in all of this, that we had the chance to interact with you, and we would like to keep up this discussion, and make sure that the young people are seriously heard, not only here but also in over forms of governance, where it's often a problem for young people to first get a foothold and second of all to also then be taken seriously.
Thank you.
>> SANDRA HOFERICHTER: Thank you. And then you were a participant in YOUthDIG. It was actually a follow-up event from the youth events that we had in the previous years. We just changed the name a little bit and aligned the programme a little bit more to the EuroDIG agenda. So they were discussing all of the categories which were also subject to discussion over the last two days.
And the floor is yours.
>> Thank you.
So what the idea behind YOUthDIG is is what happens if you get young people who are leaders in their own fields into a room, into a basement, for two days solid? What you get is core messages that are practical, solutions based, and ambitious. And I think that's why we need to get young people involved is the ambition. We're not afraid to go a little bit further. We're not afraid to step out of the comfort zone. And we're willing to have the very frank discussions and come up with solutions.
So from this we came up with ten messages. You can find them out on the wiki. There is asection for the YouthDIG. It has the messages there. So rather than read them all out word-for-word, I can just kind of neatly sum up what we discussed.
In terms of meeting content, we discussed quite heavily about fake news. We discussed how to tackle fake news. How to educate people around fake news. And the idea around the right to publish content as long as it's not illegal.
We discussed human rights quite in length. We discussed the idea that access to the Internet is not universally recognized as a human right, and that should be fixed.
We believe that net neutrality shouldn't be driven by economics.
And we also believe that content take down and lack of transparency is quite a big issue for young people around human rights.
We also believe there needs to be more done around connecting off line rights with online rights, to show that they are very linked.
We also discussed a lot about cyber security. We talked about all stakeholders to collaborate a bit more on the likes of critical Internet infrastructure. And with emerging technology, there needs to be a bit more done in security to make sure that our futures are secure as we move into the likes of the Internet of Things.
There was a discussion around more work being done between law enforcement, Government, and all stakeholders to make sure that children are not exploited online.
And we discussed the idea that not just educators and Government, but parents, schools, and educators should do more about cyber bullying and cyber bullying online.
And, finally, we discussed very, very neatly the idea of data security. That we believe as young people that we want all our personal data to be secure and protected, and not to be in the hands of anyone else.
So I just want to wrap up by saying I think everyone who took part in the YouthDIG was exceptional. They inspired me and I think they inspired most of you, because they seem to be quite active in sessions, and organising sessions and in moderating sessions and even putting one together around sustainability.
So young people are, again, we are ambitious. We like the topic of Internet governance. And I would like to thank EuroDIG and the organizers, especially Tatiana and Katia, for helping us along the way. All never forget that the youth voice is probably one of the most important voices in this discussion.
Thank you.
>> THOMAS SCHNEIDER: Thank you very much.
Well, I'm only on this panel for the gender balance, because we need to avoid that white old -- old white haired men are always under represtented in these panels. So this is why I'm here. And the only thing that makes sense is, as I have already spoken in the beginning, yesterday, about the global IGF that is going to come up in Geneva, where you'll have much nicer weather than here in this place, in the north of Europe, to hand over or ask our dear friend Chengetai from the IGF Secretariat on stage to quickly give you a 50-minute presentation about the IGF in Geneva. Thank you, Chengetai.
>> CHENGETAI MASSANGO: First of all, I heard you say 30 minutes, right?
>> THOMAS SCHNEIDER: Okay. Okay. But not below 25.
>> CHENGETAI MASSANGO: Right. Thank you very much. I'll just be very quick. I've got a speech that was written here, so I have to say it. So I'll try to make it as quick as possible.
By the way, it was really great! I really enjoyed it. As usual, EuroDIGs are always very, very good.
So On behalf of the United Nations Secretariat of the Internet Governance Forum, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for inviting me and, of course, to congratulate Sandra, Wolfe, and the rest of the EuroDIG Organizing Team and the Host Country for the impressively organized meeting, as always
For years, EuroDIG has served as an effective platform where the European community addresses issues of their concern regarding the Internet governance.
This year's Forum provides a very rich and diverse agenda on which this multistakeholder community offered many new perspectives. Some of these will be valuable inputs to many of the Internet expert communities, for further work.
But what I find as one of the most valuable achievements of the EuroDIG is that over the years it managed to establish a firm engagement of the broader community. That was clearly visible here in Tallinn for the past two days. It was impressive to see how the stakeholders coming from the various countries and organizations, with different backgrounds, from across Europe, debated and challenged many of the same issues. The sense of the community that this multistakeholder Forum created is what is encouraging, and the long-term promise for creating a better and safer Internet for all. Only by enthusiastically working together, by committing to a better understanding of each other's perspectives, by learning one from each other, can we make a change. That is the core IGF objective, and EuroDIG is a very important partner on this path, along with many of the existing national and regional IGFs.
In these times, when the nations committed to strive toward achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, our collaboration has never more important, as many of the Goals directly depend on people being connected to the Internet, having good policies and robust ICTs , all in order to achieve social and economic progress for the society.
I am very pleased that the EuroDIG community has been discussing some of the currently most important Internet Governance issues for all the citizens. At the same time, I would like to especially thank you for putting huge efforts into the Youth present being informed, trained and engaged through dedicated pre-events, as Young people are and soon will be the new generation of experts and leaders on this field.
I am hoping that many of you will bring your knowledge and expertise to the global IGF as well. You are cordially invited to the 12th annual meeting of the IGF that will be hosted by the Government of Switzerland at the premises of the United Nations offices in Geneva, from 18 to 21st of December under the overarching theme: Shape Your Digital Future! The preparatory process is underway, and we will be thankful if you would bring some of this wonderful energy that I could feel everywhere at this meeting, into the intersessional work of the global IGF.
With this, I thank you for all your excellent and important work, and wishing you many more meetings like this to come.
And I think I'll see you in Georgia next year. Right?
Thank you very much, and sorry for the long speech.
>> SANDRA HOFERICHTER: Now we are close to being at the end of our 10th EuroDIG. But not without thanking those who really worked hard to make that possible. And, first of all, I would like to call on again Gert Auvaart and (?) I hope (?) is in the room.
I was trying to find out how many hours they spent. I was talking to your boss last night. They said a half a year, one person.
I'm not sure if you would agree to that --
>> THOMAS SCHNEIDER: Don't frighten off future host countries. It was not true. It was about 10% of business.
>> SANDRA HOFERICHTER: But we believe that you might enjoy a good glass of Champaign after all of this stress.
>> GERT AUVAART: Thank you. Thank you.
>> THOMAS SCHNEIDER: Spread it all the over the place like the formula 1 drivers.
>> GERT AUVAART: Thank you. For us it has been a real pleasure of hosting you. And it's been an immense pleasure that so many of you showed up actually here. So we were wondering about the numbers from the beginning. Who will come? We are in a distant northeastern corner of Europe with maybe not the most access by airplanes compared to Brussels or any of the European hubs.
But all of you came and we are super happy. And thank you once again.
>> SANDRA HOFERICHTER: I would also call upon the stage our cohosts, (?) And Marya. Marya, are you still here?
There of course has been involved a lot of other people from the EuroDIG Secretariat. And I'd call about Claudia and Rainer. Please come to the stage.
Claudia was actually the one who was running behind the org teams, getting them to deliver their content in time. And Rainer was responsible for all digital matters. Wiki, website, and so on. So thank you very much.
And then our well-known...
-- well-known Foreign Minister, I would say now.
Thank you.
And then with the new format of the YouthDIG that was here, we could only do this with the great help of Katia and Catarina. Where are you? There you are.
Also very much in the background, but very important for all of those who could not physically present, Bernard Sadaka. He was managing all the remote participation issues. Bernard, are you in the room? There you are. Sorry.
Bernard is truly an expert when it comes to remove participation. We usually fly him in from Lebanon, but he actually is a global expert on this.
And then we have to thank the technical team. The host organizer team. What was the company? Conference Experts. So if you do a conference in Tallinn at one time, I think they are a reliable and good partner.
Thomas, Gert, did we forget anyone?
>> GERT AUVAART: I would also like to thank the Swissotel for the venue, and also the venue for the gala evening. They have been excellent.
And especially, I mean, this all would not be able, EuroDIG and everything we do here with WebEx, YouTube, streaming, all the mics, the sound, so Marcos' team. All the technical equipment has worked amazingly. This was what we were afraid of the most to see if we can actually pull it off off. But this is Estonia, and we did!
So thank you.
>> SANDRA HOFERICHTER: And I did forget one, our captioning team, Caption First. They are invisible, but you see what they write down in each of the sessions, and these transcripts as well as the videos will be provided on our wiki, so you can search what has been discussed years after.
Thank you very much. Kudos to you for coming so numerous, being here in the morning and late in the evening.
And enjoy the rest of the sunny days in Tallinn. We were lucky to get the best weather possible for this wonderful city.
>> GERT AUVAART: Wait, wait, Sandra. How many of these chocolate packages are for you? Because of course we cannot leave without thanking you. Because this is Sandra Hoferichter and she is the Secretary General of EuroDIG, as you may know. And she has led this ship through all the storms that were occurring in the last year. And just thank you for everything, Sandra, and thanks to the audience. Bye.
>> GERT AUVAART: The very last thing that remains to say is best of luck to Georgia next year.
This text is being provided in a rough draft format. Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) is provided in order to facilitate communication accessibility and may not be a totally verbatim record of the proceedings.