YOUthDIG 2018
YOUthDIG 2018 programme | Youth Messages 2018 | Consolidated programme EuroDIG 2018
The Youth Dialogue on Internet Governance (YOUthDIG) is the youth programme of the European Dialogue on Internet Governance (EuroDIG), and features a two-day, pre-event track full of discussion, learning, networking, and fun that prepares youth participants (between the ages of 18-30) for their participation in the EuroDIG process.
Participants have the opportunity to:
- Experience peer-learning and networking with youth residing in Europe
- Learn about Internet governance and how to get involved in the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) process
- Discuss and exchange ideas with experienced Internet policy practitioners
- Develop youth messages and present them at EuroDIG and the global IGF
Youth messages 2018
You can find the messages from YOUthDIG 2018 in 14 languages:
Albanian | Dutch | English | French | Georgian | German | Italian | Lithuanian | Polish | Portuguese | Slovenian | Spanish | Turkish | Urdu
You can find the draft programme at: programme
YOUthDIG coordinators
YOUthDIG programme committee members
Application Process & Travel Support
All fellows are granted travel funds to support their travel and hotel costs. Young people (18-30 years old) residing in all European countries where encouraged to apply for the fellowship and proactively represent the European youth throughout the EuroDIG process.
The call for fellowship applications was open at EuroDIG website from March 1 - 20, 2018
Eligibility Criteria
In order to be considered for participation (and additionally funding), a candidate must meet the following criteria:
- Is between 18-30 years old;
- Resides in the European continent
- Demonstrates interest in Internet governance related issues
Review & Selection
If the requests for funding meeting the aforementioned criteria exceed the available funds, the selection process will be made by the YOUthDIG programme coordinators and the programme committee in collaboration with the EuroDIG Secretariat by taking into account the need to achieve a diversity of participants, in terms of:
- Geography (countries & minorities represented, including from the host country);
- Gender balance;
- Academia, non-academia;
- Organised youth, non-organised youth;
- Balance between newcomers (individuals who have not previously participated in EuroDIG processes) and experienced participants (individuals who have been previously involved in EuroDIG processes)
- As well as the consideration of people less represented in general
Responsibilities of Selected Participants
Selected participants will be required to:
- Attend all YOUthDIG sessions
- Help organize a session in advance by joining the organizing team of a EuroDIG session of their choice
- Attend and participate proactively in the EuroDIG meeting
- Complete all pre-activities as stated in the YOUthDIG programme
- Ask questions, learn how to get involved, and have fun!
All fellows will also be responsible for making their own travel arrangements. Cash reimbursements will be made onsite, in Tbilisi, on the basis of an invoice (to be submitted in advance).